forum a oxo - ((closed))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

people_alt 60 followers


So I have no ideas, but I'm bored and want to write something, even if it's a really cliche college romance bullshit. I haven't started a new rp in a bit so hey why not :)


I really like found family and hurt/comfort tropes, and modern stuff is usually good
I like to incorporate some fantasy aspects sometimes 🤷‍♂️


What age range do you typically prefer?
I don't usually do much older than 25, tbh
I'm more comfortable with youngish characters ^^;


I really like the whole 'i'm injured and alone and you found me and helped me' thing or 'big bad guy who doesn't like anyone falls in love with the small guy who loves everyone (mafia bullshi)' or 'lab partners' or the very very classic 'nerd and jock shit'

I'm down for anything though


Alrighty! I was just wondering since I was planning on using my character Nathaniel, and he's an angel/ avian type, so I wasn't sure whether or not I should let him keep his wings or make him human sdghjl


Lmao that should be fine! I have no problems with him having his wings that’s cool as! I’ve got to head to work so won’t be able to post a character till later but I’ll post my boy asap