forum civilian battlefield work
Started by @Rmheartunderthefloor

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Not sure what kind of civilian jobs there would be around a battlefield? I mean I know medicine and food would be big ones that may require a lot of extra hands, but I can't think what else would go into readying a large group of people for battle or dealing with the aftermath or strategizing the next moves.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Grave diggers
Body carriers
Cart drivers
If animals were involved, Vets, or just someone to put down wounded critters
Couriers were often civilians
Scavengers, looting battlefields for weaponry or valuables
Journalists (including artists, or photographers, depending on time period)
Clergy, perhaps, offering last rites or something
Cartographers (mapmaker)
Diplomatic escorts (for instance, a country trying to decide if it should ally with a nation at war might send a diplomat to follow the generals around)
Evacuation efforts to keep the general civilians safe might include police, town or city leadership, and volunteers
Depending on the type of battle, firefighters may be necessary

There's a lot :)