forum Drawing!!!
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Yeah, sort of! I think what's really helpful is to have a group of layers with both the lineart and the base underneath (so just the basic minimalistic silhouette of the figure), then copy that and merge it together, then lock it and paint on that layer. It keeps both the sharp edges of the lineart while also letting you do your thing on top
(and the nice thing about layers is that you can keep adding new ones as you go so if you mess up, you just delete that layer or part of the layer rather than the whole painting)

Yeah. How do you merge the two together? (sorry my comprehension skills are a bit slow)

Deleted user

I downloaded a special brush set and played with it until I liked the results…
(I'm lazy)

ok cool ill have to look into that

Deleted user

ok so I guess that might be what I have to do then bc I have a crappy laptop that isnt touchscreen too but i dont really know what kind of art pad i would get for it (some are really expensive) and most people do digital art that way but idk what im doing


The one I have sells for like 20 dollars these days, I think
EDIT: Google tells me it's not even sold anymore these days
yeah idk I don't think the tablet really matters when you're starting out

Deleted user

Ok that is great news bc i dont really have all that much money to spend but i really want one, atleast a cheap one to start with then i could work my way up


@winter_winkle So I was just recommended this video on lineless art, which I think is actually closer to what punziella does (from what I can tell). It's definitely easier than the weird roundabout thing I told you about so… idk this might be helpful to you? I guess?

Deleted user

Ooooh this is good thank you!!! I’ve actually been practicing digital art a bit and this is a great time to start working on not using lineart

Deleted user

oooh those are really cool, i especially like your profile picture

Deleted user

Really? I've had to practice almost every day for four years to get to where I am now.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Don't get me wrong, I've had some issues. I still can't draw in manga/anime style to save my life! Lol I was planning on making a story that I'm working on a manga, but as I continued writing I saw that it was better in text.

The medium that I use the most is pencil and paper…. I'm not that great at painting, though I do have to say that it would've helped if I didn't have to use my school's old, crappy, damaged paint brushes! Lol This is the only painting that I'm actually really poud of! Lol

Then there's the old 'left-handed curse'…. Gets me all the time!

I absolutely hate working with clay! My hands are just so naturally warm that the clay dries out before I can even really do anything to it. It's a miracle that I even managed to make this!

Deleted user

Lol wow yeah I am best with regular graphite pencils, for example, I just finished this today

Deleted user

But I have tried digital art and stuff and I’m alright at that. Painting is hard tho