forum BTS!!!! YEAH!!!
Started by @Tanehttac

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I know, but I think I might just wait for a bit longer before making the forum


Update: I re-listened to CLC and now I don’t know what was wrong with me the other day because now I’m absolutely obsessed

I’m not going to listen to the others yet because I now have 5 favorite songs all at once and I think any more would be overkill

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Jungkookie is also 22 as of five days ago and I refuse to accept it but it's fine

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Heyyyy, so, I somehow managed to get on even though I have homework to do and I was thinking of starting up the rp? Anyone that was interested on?

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Yayy! I'm going to make the forum in Fandom World, just give me a sec


Update: Day6 and Nu’est are amazing

Also I’ve discovered this new group called IZ*ONE, they’ve got great music, great singers, and they’re all so fricking adorable my goodness
Definitely recommend them to everyone