forum So... I have an idea for a government. I just don't know if people/readers will view it as racist or not. Help??
Started by @YourNightmare

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It's where a government separates people based on what they look like. EX: blue eyes and blonde hair and brown eyes and brown hair. But I kind of want it to not just limit on features of the person because the government that I have planned is kind racist but I don't want people to think that I myself as the author is racist. Because I'm not. I just don't know what to do because I want to include other characters I just don't know how bad it'll look on me and if I get hate for it if it gets popular. I don't know what to do. Do you guys have any ideas??


Don't let opinions of others stop you from writing your story.
Also, if your government has these opinions and they are viewed as wrong then your readers will understand that as the writer you view them as wrong too.
Just write your story and don't worry so much! Have fun!


Ok I just felt stuck because I just randomly came up with the idea and I told it to my friend and she's super like feminist and antiracist and all that and I appreciate her a lot cuz she helps with that kind of stuff in my stories and she says make sure it isn't super racist. And I'm like well I don't want all my characters to be the same I want them to be diverse. I just wanted to see if any of you had similar problems or if you guys had any ideas on it. And thanks for the feed back @WaffleWizard I appreciate it :)


I just started a story based on the recent Presidential debate. its where only Caucasian men can hold jobs or own property.


True. But it's based in a dystopian world, and its a new thing. Here:
(8) Life was fine until the 254th Law was passed. The law that made any human being other then Caucasian men illegal citizens. We now have no jobs, no money cards, and have to constantly watch our backs. There are gaurds everywhere to “keep an eye on us”. They say we are dangerous. I don’t understand how. My parents, along with every other parent in the country, are teaching us children to keep our heads down, and mouths shut. If we do anything wrong, even cheating on a test, there will be very bad consequences. My father is a Caucasian man, but he is practically shunned because he married my mother, who is half black. He, thankfully, still has his job, but things could easily change for the worst.

@Becfromthedead group

I've basically read that this kind of oppression is not your story to tell if you're white.
Is there any other way your government can separate people? Because physical appearance alone just doesn't sit that well with a lot of people, and it's not very logical (not that it ever was before, but still)


Well see, the reason i wanted to do it was to show what would happen if our world, as we know it, became even more racist. as racist as possible. And i wanted to show it from the point of view of a girl it affects deeply. Basically, to go to an extreme to raise awareness.

@Becfromthedead group

The issue there is that you, as a white person, cannot fully understand the experience of someone who isn't white. It's very very hard to convey properly, so sometimes, it might be best not to go that route at all. You can end up being offensive in ways you don't mean to despite having good intentions.
I mean, I don't speak for POC at all, but that's just to sum up what I've heard from writers of color. It would do you well to see if you can ask someone who isn't white and be sure to take the criticism, and not defend everything you do. Ask instead what would make it better and more effective to get your point across.


My suggestion would be that it doesn't matter if your government is racist, so long as the narrative consistently shows that as a bad thing and the people and structures who enforce it as bad.