forum Has this been done too much?
Started by @The Palindrome

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@The Palindrome

So my government type is Autocracy, where there's one person with absolute power. It's like a monarchy but it's not always through family. Anyways, I was wondering if this has been done too much, if it's too cliche? If so what do you suggest? i just feel like everything's been done already and I'm trying to be original. Should I do a group of people instead of one? Should they be elected? Help please!

@Becfromthedead group

The way you talk about this, I assume the government you're writing is supposed to be all-powerful, perhaps corrupt. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No type of government you pick is going to be completely "original," so if you think an autocracy will work best for your story, go for it.
However, if you really want to look into having a group of people, I have several recommendations. You could have an oligarchy, a government ruled by a powerful few, typically the upper socioeconomic class. On the other hand, your few could be a smaller few- something like a triumvirate, perhaps.
If you really want to add elections, make them so that it looks fair, but there's often lots of rigging, and the incumbent officials always have a completely unfair advantage.
Hope I was able to help some!


You should never be worried about being cliché. If it's known enough to be a cliché then it has worked many times over. Government is hard to make original just because we base it off ones we're familiar with


So my government type is Autocracy, where there's one person with absolute power. It's like a monarchy but it's not always through family. Anyways, I was wondering if this has been done too much, if it's too cliche? If so what do you suggest? i just feel like everything's been done already and I'm trying to be original. Should I do a group of people instead of one? Should they be elected? Help please!

There is no such thing as original anymore don't chase that dragon, just write or nothing will ever get done. That's my advice to you. If you want to do an autocracy go for it. Sounds cool to me.

@Chronicle Beta Tester

So my government type is Autocracy, where there's one person with absolute power. It's like a monarchy but it's not always through family. Anyways, I was wondering if this has been done too much, if it's too cliche? If so what do you suggest? i just feel like everything's been done already and I'm trying to be original. Should I do a group of people instead of one? Should they be elected? Help please!

My suggestion? Dive deeper and figure out how to make something cliche into something unique.

I, too, struggled with adding autocracies and constitutional monarchies to my world, but I figured out how to make them unique.

Ask yourself some questions. Yes, you have the basic idea for what type of government you want, but how does it operate? What’s the legal system like? What’s in the constitution? Does the constitution explicitly outlaw any practices? Are there any governmental organizations that exist? Does the king employ a Cabinet? Socialism, capitalism, or social democracy?

Keep asking yourself questions. You’ll make a unique government out of a cliche in no time.