forum Writing for School
Started by @mothman

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hey guys, i literally just made an account today because of a high school screenwriting class i’m in.
i’ve been writing/creating characters/worldbuilding for at least 5 years now for various short stories and roleplays and so writinf am original story/script is nothing new to me. but our final in the class is eventually supposed to be a 3-act game narrative. i’m unsure of the specifics, but that sounds like quite the task. we’re beginning to create general outlines/plot points soon and i’m completely stuck on what to do. the closest thing to a story longer than the length of a chapter that i’ve written is a collaboration roleplay-type thing that my best friend and i have slowly built a world/set of characters for that we’ve been building onto for 3+ years, but even then they do most of the worldbuilding/plot outlines for it. even though it is just a high school class that i’m sure many people took just as a blow off class, but writing is a big deal to me and i don’t wanna just mush together a bunch of shitty ideas.
this has been a lot of rambling but basically i was wondering what resources you guys use for worldbuilding + inspiration + writing concepts/prompts because i’ve been having a writer’s block that has lasted me many months. i know if i don’t find something engaging for me it’ll turn into something that’s just stress inducing and dreadful for me to do, so i’m really trying to piece together something pretty quickly