forum Writer Struggles
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

  1. No, I haven't gotten any books published yet. No, that doesn't mean I'm not an author.
  2. "Wow, that plot sounds a lot like a book I just read!!! Did you copy it?"
  3. Writer's block. Enough said.
    And. . .
    The Holy Grail of author struggles. . .
    "Can I be a character in your book?"

@Starfast group

"I need to know a certain thing, and yes I've tried googling it, but google is being very vague and I don't want to just make stuff up."

"I thought I made up this name for my fantasy character, but turns out it's actually a real name."

"I came up with a really good name/plotline/anything, but forgot it before I could write it down."

"I had a name for something but now it's being used by some other popular franchise and I don't want people to think that's where I got the name."

"I want feedback, but I'm too afraid to ask for it because I'm weirdly insecure about my writing."

"There's too much dialogue at this part, but it's all relevant and I don't know how to sneak any prose in without it sounding weird and unnatural."

"I have the beginning and middle planned out in great detail, but have no idea how the story will end."

"I need something to happen, but I don't know how or why it's even happening."

"Do I alter my story slightly even if it means having to scrap one of my favourite lines?"