forum Which of these Retellings would you Rather See?
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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So I'm thinking I might do a retelling for NaNoWriMo. I have to decide what the hell I'm going to retell. Gimme your opinions, thoughts, ideas.
A List of what I'm considering:

  • Hamlet
  • Frankenstein
  • Three Musketeers
  • Les Mis
  • Coral Island (shipwrecked sailor story a la Robinson Crusoe, except three teenage/young adult guys. very piratecore and I need to reread it. Highly recommend, tho. It's by R M Ballentyne (idk how to spell his name lmao)
  • Dracula
  • Classic fairy tales
  • Alice in Wonderland (and Through the Looking Glass)
  • Some strange amalgamation/permutation of any of the above lmao

idk. I just,,,, wanna do a retelling and would like y'all's Thoughts and Opinions, because I know you have them

Deleted user

You know I'm going to say Frankenstein, babe. But seriously, whatever strikes you as best works and I'm sure it'll be great!


yeah he does. but he does it because he and Henry were part of it but maybe Victor was sick (like,,, badly sick) on Barricade Day and so he isn't able to actually go and then they all die (except Marius but like. fuck Marius) and Victor brings them back?? idk


I can't guarantee I'll finish it because I still need to make sure I actually have time to keep up with a project during NaNo (I think I will but it depends on schoolwork) but I'd love feedback on it!


but damn the more I think about it the more I can see Enjolras and Victor maybe being friends?? damn i need to reread Les Mis, that's gonna be my next project I think. rereading Les Mis

@HighPockets group

Yeah definitely. I might not do the full 50,000, might only do like, half that? Idk. What are you thinking of writing?

Honestly I'm not entirely sure yet, but probably Beck's story if I end up writing anything at all

Deleted user

I was gone for most of this but I just wanna say that I love all of this.