forum What part of writing do you struggle with?
Started by @FantaPop

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Aside from actually sitting down and writing, what gives you trouble or is something you know you need to work on?

For myself, I tend to wayy overuse commas and always need to go back through and edit them out - even in regular posts. ^^ Aside from that, I tend to switch between past and present tense unless I concentrate on which one I want to use, and I have trouble writing dialogue that doesn't feel extremely casual 'cause of how I speak. Anyways, what about you guys?


i find i'm really bad with characterization when i write in first person. i also overuse certain words, phrases, and sentence structures. and i suck with descriptions (whereas i love dialogue).


I focus too much on character development, over develop my characters too quickly, and forget plot wayyyy too often. I also have a problem with adjectives and adverbs, but I've gotten much better at that. i'm working on it lol


I have my first full manuscript written out and I'm really proud of my work so far, but all my characters seem static, the work is short and lacks development, and it seems predictable despite my best intentions. So I don't have any problems with the writing part, just making it a good enough quality to send out to publishers.


Exposition, for sure. I worldbuild and worldbuild and worldbuild, try to make a beginning, then give up and just keep developing the universe instead of the story.

Deleted user

Character development and switching between past and present tense are my main problems. If anybody has any advice on those two things, please let me know!


I generally have trouble writing in the third person, always catching myself writing in second. As well as I have trouble sneaking in new descriptions and extending stories.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I struggle most with adding flourishes and subplots. If a character is at point A and wants to get to point B, I often keep the plot moving (probably a bit too fast) and get him to B, instead of taking the time to flesh out what happens on the way. To that end, I guess I focus a bit more on plot than I do on character development, instead of weaving the two together in a nice balance.


I form a whole story in my head but I never know where to start it and I get too excited and when I don't know how to start it, I lose my motivation for it

Same! I will come up with amazing characters, places, and relationships in my head but when I got to write it I can never come up with a good plot or good start, and when I do I tend to rush everything in the story. If I cant think of a good plot or start soon enough I lose my motivation for it all together. Also dialogue is a issue too.
I think I focus more on character development and description than the actual plot.


i struggle with making my stories new. like i feel i use too many elements from books i’ve read and what i write ends up sounding exactly like what i’ve read before


I struggle with a lot of things, but some of the things that are the worst are using the same word a lot in a paragraph. I'll use the word 'also' a lot, or the word 'her' or 'they' or anything like that. Its a terrible habit I need to break. I also struggle with plot. Well, mostly the filling parts. I can thing of some of the main things I want to happen in my story, I just have a terrible time trying to figure out how to get to those. I don't know what to do when leading up to a certain part of my story if that makes sense.

@Story_Siren group

@Celestial-B I have the opposite problem: I love writing description, but I'm horrible at writing dialogue. I'm stuck on at least two stories because of it :/ Then I don't know how to plot like??? I have at least some things I know I want happen, but an overall plot??? How???