forum Wed sep five
Started by Tesha

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There were many rules in the town without a name. Don’t touch the cornfield or ask what the rustling sound inside it is. Don’t wonder why you have school off one day and a new teacher the next. Don’t buy seeds from the farmer’s market. Never swim in the lake. Be home before two in the morning and close your blinds when the sun goes down. Ignore the abandoned mine shafts and the forgotten mills. Don’t break the rules.

Everyone in the town followed the rules perfectly, until they didn’t. A group of teenagers decided they would figure out why these rules were in place, starting with the lake. But, as soon as they touched the water’s edge, they were pulled downwards and soon loss consciousness from the lack of air. Now, they’ve woken up on a shore in a town that looks exactly like their own, with people that look exactly like the ones they know, and rules that seem more stressed than before. Each of them have three words tattooed across their arms: This Is Hell.

And god, they never expected it to be this quiet.