forum Tips and Tricks Time: Prologue/Epilogue Edition!
Started by @PaperHats business

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@PaperHats business

Hey folks!
I was working on my newest book, and it crashed into that time we all know and love: writing an epilogue. Just like prologues, I try to keep them short, concise, and, although different from prologues, use them as sort of “closure.”
I believe myself to be pretty good at writing these main story additions, so come to me with your questions! I’ll totally proofread sections, too, if you’d like :)

WARNING! I’m not a genius. I don’t know everything. I’ll give you information of my own personal standards, opinionated responses, but not information pertaining to all audiences. So pretty much take everything I say with a grain of salt, and every example I give will probably be preceded by “In my opinion.”

Deleted user

So my prologue isn't actually a prologue, its kind of a poem telling people the most basic element of the world building: There are 12 countries, they're based on the elements, they don't like each other.
Is something like that even considered a prologue?

@PaperHats business

I would believe so, considering a prologue is basically just an introduction separate from your actual introduction. If it takes place apart from your actual beginning storyline, I believe it will still be considered a prologue— especially if it’s explaining things in the past, that effect the future where the story will take place. You’re all good in my eyes :D

Deleted user

Its not explaining past events, I'm just trying not to confuse people when a character says. "I'm from the Fire Kingdom, can't you tell? Red hair?!"

@PaperHats business

Yeah, either way, it’s still a beginning-before-beginning passage, explaining things that are prevalent in the story. That’s a prologue to me :)