forum Things You Want LESS Of In Books
Started by @GoodThingGoing group

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Weightloss = success
One sided characters or cliche villains (like the "mean popular girl")
Less of minorities only existing to get publicity (seriously let them be their own character)
Characters only existing as a love interest

@GoodThingGoing group

  • Unjustified girl hate. I'm not saying your MC has to love every girl she meets, but she should have a good reason for disliking someone. I know I certainly don't like every girl at my school, but I have reasons as for why I dislike certain people.
  • The girl that's a total bitch to everyone for no reason
  • Also the guy that's a cocky dick to everyone without reason
  • 'I'm not like other girls!!!!'

@GoodThingGoing group

Less of minorities only existing to get publicity (seriously let them be their own character)

YES! Minority characters who are characters first and minorities second!
Also characters with differing amounts of attention payed to their cultures and religions. I know some people who go to mass every day, and others who go one a month, once a week, etc. and people who don't follow all of the traditions of their ethnic group but follow some, some who follow all, some who follow none, etc.
It varies by person.


Protagonists who are Chosen Ones™
Protagonists who are naturally talented at whatever skills (such as magic, swordfighting, etc.) are necessary on their mission/quest.
Protagonists who are Always Right™ and if they ever screw up it's not their fault

@GoodThingGoing group

Going off the Chosen One thing, Chosen Ones who show up and take the spotlight from characters who've been training their whole lives for what the Chosen One magically is able to do.


LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean, you're supposed to shoehorn love triangles into every plot regardless of whether or not it fits? That's expert advice, you know

@GoodThingGoing group

LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean, you're supposed to shoehorn love triangles into every plot regardless of whether or not it fits? That's expert advice, you know

Someone's been watching Terrible Writing Advice…..

@GoodThingGoing group

LOVE TRIANGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like a true love triangle would be interesting, where everyone actually loves everyone, but Love Vs are bland and boring most of the time, and very predictable.


LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean, you're supposed to shoehorn love triangles into every plot regardless of whether or not it fits? That's expert advice, you know

Someone's been watching Terrible Writing Advice…..

hOw CoULd YoU TeLL?!?!?!1!?!1?11!?!



My friend got me hooked on all of his videos. I love his accent lol.


@soupnana group

Information overload.
I hate it when authors just shove the entire plot in your face in one chapter. It's kinda like, WHOA THERE! You expect me to remember this jumble of mumbo jumbo later on in the series??!? Yeah no. Authors should build up. Slowly introduce the key details of the book and supporting details to go along with them. That's why I like Brandon Sanderson so much. His books kinda just assume that the reader already knows the cultures and traditions, and one: That captures the reader because they are curious. Two: it doesn't make the readers mind go insane with all the information. And three: It makes the reader feel as if THEY are a part of the story.
Idk. That's just one thing I am not a huge fan of.

Another thing is cliche and boring characters. Tacky romance novels seem to have these more than others. Like, yeah, that vampire dude is a real hunk that every girl wants, but he's a bad boy and he is only interested in one girl. Do I want to have the same character in five different books just with a different style and name? No. I don't. Football jocks, stupid mean girls, "quirky" nice girls, and Mary Sues are the worst of the bunch. ANOTHER reason why I love Brandon Sanderson's books so much. In a book I just read, the main character is a lone wolf, rip your arms off and laugh atop the bodies of her enemies sorta character. She is constantly making a scene of herself by saying crazy descriptive things like (actual part in the book), "When this is done, Jerkface, I will hold your tarnished and melted pin as my trophy as your smoldering ship marks your pyre, and the final resting place of your crushed and broken corpse!" This makes the character SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING! It makes you love her, and also makes you somewhat embarrassed by her gusto and over confidence. But she begins to lose that confidence as the story goes on and it makes her so much more realistic! Okay I'm done. Also, I suggest y'all go read Skyward by Brandon Sanderson now. :)

@Starfast group

I'd like less romantic subplots, especially in YA kind of for a couple reasons.

  1. Not everyone finds their soulmate in their teen years. In fact a lot of people don't.
  2. A subpoint of the above, but not everyone even dates during their teen years and when every protagonist in every book you read is involved in some type of romance it kind of makes you feel like you have to date during your teens and if you don't it's not normal when that's not really true.
  3. It's really unnecessary in a lot of cases. There's lots of more interesting, and quite frankly more original ways to add extra drama/ tension.
  4. If 👏 I 👏 wanted 👏 to 👏 read 👏 about 👏 a 👏 romance 👏 I 👏would 👏 have 👏 picked 👏 up 👏 a 👏 romance 👏 novel 👏 not 👏 a 👏 fantasy 👏 or 👏 sci-fi 👏

@soupnana group

😂 Number four kills me. Although, certain books can be a combination. Like, I really don't like just plain romance novels very much. But, there are certain books that I love because of their romance and their main story.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have a project. The girl Daniella crushes on one dude Josiah and he turns her down for this other girl Alene. She gets into the beginning of a relationship with a childhood friend and he dies. And after that, no romance. (Except in two characters who don’t have the POV.)