forum Tell me about what you’re writing!
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Deleted user

Literally anything, I wanna hear it. And then aggressively support you in your writing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Fanfiction lmao
I have a big ol' work going that's just a chaotic One Piece road trip AU
Basically, Franky built an RV that fits 10 people, so the gang(and Law) are off on a month-long road trip to the beach and back
I have the first half planned out, but the second half
not so much

Deleted user

Same as Ash, fanfic.
Started it as something simple and then it blew up on the website it was posted to. I got obsessed with the characters and then boom! three books.
It's a Peter Parker fanfic lol (Blythe is my baby!).

And then I have plans to write a story called Eileamaidean. It's basically about elementals reincarnated. It isn't super worked out and I need to finish the above story before I even really start on it.

Deleted user

I'm doing a bunch of short horror stories, and then a longer mystery/thriller novella type thing.

I really like taking those little prompts for scary stories and running wild with them, so that's mostly what I do in my free time. I'm just obsessed with folklore, the paranormal, and anything horrifying, so coming up with these little stories is just super fun for me.

The mystery/thriller novella is gonna be kinda longer, but I think it'll be fun to do. It's another paranormal/murder mystery type thing.


I have a cast for an angsty gay romance story, but no plot other than a vague "two highschool guys fall in love and face many obstacles" and I am IN LOVE with the main characters (Eden and Gray) but don't know where to start or how to go about writing it.

Deleted user

Ok so Eileamaidean never happened.
Instead I'm now writing a HP fanfic, and I'm enjoying it.
Then I have another one planned that is another Peter Parker fanfic but its a completely different character and it's gonna be pretty different

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My fanfic is still crawling along but I have a lotsome more in my head, most notably lots and lots of torture, both physical and emotional, and also a summer camp AU that takes place 10 years before the current part of my modern AU