forum Remember Story Wars?
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

The following is part of a Story Wars story that I contributed to (also the part that I wrote).

Luna fled, her legs and adrenaline pushing her through the fangs and claws. Tree branches whipped by her, scraping her face and arms. Blood flowed as tiny rivers over her skin, leaking from her wounds.

"Catch her! She must not reach the river!" Fenrir"s voice rang out. out angrily. The river was Luna's one hope. If she could get across she knew that the rest of the pack couldn't follow her over the boundary. Pack law prevented pack members from crossing it, for the other side belonged to the Coyotes.

The glassy surface of the river lay just ahead. Luna's lungs burned as she forced herself forward. Wolves howled behind her, angry that she was getting away.

Luna's foot caught in a root, tripping her. A branch tore into her leg, tearing through flesh and muscle. Luna screamed in agony and yanked her foot free. Blood oozed from her new wound as she struggled to pull herself across the stream. The pack was catching up as she scrambled to her feet, to her feet and limped into the water. Splashing into the freezing cold river Luna dashed across the boarder, her blood stained staining the water crimson as she collapsed on the other side.