forum Is a girl who is a demon coming to terms of what she is too cliche?
Started by @Killerofhappilyeverafters45

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Currently, i am struggling with my plot for my story. the quick summary is that there are twins who's father is the ruler of hell, but its not Satan. He stepped down from the throne and gave it to another demon, but anyways, throughout the book it shows how my main character learns to accept who she is and control her abilities. Those include controlling the skeletal structure, so for example, she has the ability to break a person's arm without touching them or moving at all. It's like a mind command of some sort. So yada yada Florence deals with some bad moments of losing control and grows scared of who she is. The book won't end with her learning to accept herself because im planning something big to happen to her. But basically, god i suck at this, but does this sound cliche in any way?


You have two options:
1) Kill the cliché and get REALLY creative with this, because it's gonna be really hard
2) Embrace the cliché but add some unique twists to it


The "learning to control."
What if she doesn't want to learn to control? Does she have the time and ability to do so?


It's a difficult process since embracing who she really is made her a mass murderer, Florence doesn't work anymore and is currently running away from reminders of her past. If that all made sense, sorry im new to this


No, it's okay, I'm new to the game too. Just keep in mind that in order to stand out from other published stories in a similar vein, you're gonna need a lot of aces up your sleeve.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

In general, remember cliches are cliches because they're common, and they're common because a ton of people go for them. So if you decide to embrace the cliche, use it as a base (to draw people in), and keep them hooked with your own take on it. Just because something is cliche never means it's inherently bad. :)


The "learning to control."
What if she doesn't want to learn to control? Does she have the time and ability to do so?

I like the thought of, for once, someone not wanting to learn to control their abilities and just letting it go wild. You said she's anti-social, aggressive, paranoid, well go with the flow of that! She doesn't need to use her abilities to help people, let her instead use it to slowly take over the world!!! MUAHAHA
JK. But, why does she need to be scared of who she is?
I think that is more of a cliche… having the MC, child of demon/angel/creature, have awesome fear-inducing abilities, and being afraid of them (No, love them, accept them, use them in crazy horrifying ways), and then learning to control them (which means, not using them, or not using them to full potential…) and help others (no, dont help them, kill them).
Well. that' my two cents.