forum If you're character were to die, what would he/she say before they passed?
Started by @Astrid

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Asher: … this is awkward
Trenna: I always said you should have been getting used to my inevitable demise.
Javan: something stoic and dramatic about how he did his duty

I'm more of a sarcastic writer… at the moment this is who they are in my mind. XD


nova did die, so she was telling elowen not to forget her and to forgive ilan (ilan was possessed and killed nova), and then said they would see each other agin.

luna would probably apologize to her mother for being so unbearable and hating her for so long.

sol would tell whoever was with her to take care of the realm.


Laetitia: well, this is inconvenient. be a dear and hurry this along, would you? (she's cursed to be unable to die. every time she does, she pops right back up.)
if she where dying for REAL: "Huh, you'd think with all the practice I've had, this wouldn't be so scary, but look," she slowly lifts up her hand, to show that its shaking just slightly. "Im terrified." she finishes, almost laughing and almost crying. "I thought I'd be glad to finally be put to rest but I'm just like every other dying person: scared out of my mind. I haven't been really scared for a long time, but here I am, so afraid I can barely think. I…I don't want to die. not for real." She begins laughing softly, but it quickly dissolves into crying, before fading away entirely, leaving nothing but an echo of pain and sorrow.


My favorite character does die, actually (I'm an evil author, I know) and these are her last words:

“No, no, no, no, no!” she yelled. She frantically tried to stifle the blood flow coming from my chest.
“Kaden, look at me,” I said. “I’m so proud of us.” My voice was raspy and weak.
“No, no, stop, we’ll fix you up, I promise, just stay with me…”
I turned to Jamie. He shook his head vehemently, “No…”
A look of understanding passed between us. Both of us knew we couldn’t stop death, no matter how hard we tried. He started crying even harder. I tried to give him a small smile.
The remaining few of my Generals formed a semicircle behind Kaden. I could see some of them on the verge of tears.
“Thank you guys for everything…” I trailed off, my voice growing fainter and fainter with every syllable.
They all gave small little smiles, but I could see the grief already in their eyes.
I looked to Greyson. “Take care of Kaden for me, okay?”
My voice was barely a whisper. He nodded in return, wiping the tears from his eyes.
Jamie cradled my face in his hand. I reached up and put my hand over his. He leaned in and kissed me. I didn’t push him away. He needed this. And maybe I did too.
He knew we couldn’t reverse death. We broke away and my hand remained on top of his. I took one last look at Kaden. Her face was tear-stained, but it was strangely beautiful.
Then, I gave way to the darkness.

Ok so some explanation is probably needed here. Makeana (the narrator) is shot by her enemy/ex-boyfriend. Kaden, her younger sister, is the last of her family that is still alive. Greyson is Kaden's new boyfriend and a member of the First Responders. Jamie is also a member of the First Responders, and throughout the whole story he's been trying to woo Makeana, but she pushes him away.

Ember Ris

I kill off one of my main characters fairly early on in the story. His last words are before he gets fatally wounded, instead of after. He realizes that there's no escape, and he is going to die. Rather than fight, and harm the person trying to kill him (who is family, the closest thing to a father that's still alive), he stands his ground.

"It's okay. I understand." His hands shook. He forced himself to keep his head high and back straight. "Go ahead," he breathed. Everything was blurry. He could hardly breathe. His uncle took a step closer, and he quivered with the effort to stay still.

Something flickered in his uncle's eyes, then. "You are very brave."

Blood splashed across the frozen ground.

Deleted user

Well I did actually kill off Liam. He didn't really say anything much as he was kind of shoved into a giant chasm of death and despair. Oops.

Deleted user

Alex: Please make sure my sisters are okay.
Aria: I don't even know if you'll remember me saying this, but… it's not your fault. Don't blame this on yourself. You're not in your right mind. [lol there's no context]
Polar: Oh gosh make sure my fur isn't bloodstained at my funeral.


This is part of the end of a story yet to be written. None of them have names. The antagonist is simply "He/Him". MC is Main Character.

"Well, fun fact, I can only be killed by a person of my kind-" MC's three friends are sent into massive shock.Their eyes are wide. Their jaws dropped. No words leave them. Not even gasps or breaths. MC's eyes glow crimson red, her hand coated in the same color. A magical blade of her creating has killed him… By her hand… "Don't get up again…" She says darkly, removing the weapon as it disappears. He falls back dead.


Some of mine would either be "Oh shit. This wasn't in the plan." or "Lucifer, Get ready because the Queen is back, bitch."

Deleted user

bRO I missed my bus reading that because I was about to leave but I read the username and fell on the floor wheezing oml


“I swear, if you don’t give me a funeral that screams of extra, then I’m coming back to haunt you.”
“Henri is gonna be so ticked off.”


Adara; Mother of Bruidel, this wasn't my plan. Tell Eirlys I'm sorry.

Eirlys; You will not win this war. They will stop you.

Deryth; My death is only the beginning of your suffering.

Sarshles ChesscakeLi

Imma just write down my favourite ones
Nino: "Well this is anti-climatic."
Zara: I'll hunt you in your dreams until I take you with me, sucker~"
Lucas: "Bury my scarf with me."
Zecara: "I swear if you lay heavy rock at my funeral I will personally hunt and torment you"
Clara: "Oh frick's sake, not this again I just found a body to posses"

@Raziel Gallephraya

Raziel: "I-I'm sorry, I gave it my best-" she wouldn't be able to finish what she was saying. She would remember her life and stop fighting. Her eyes would close slowly as her heart ceased to beat. She left the world apologizing for everything she had done, but she never did realize that maybe she did something good.
Apollo: They would stay silent and stare into the eyes of the person closest to them, seeing the life that they will depend on to keep the world going. While they do this they whisper an apology to Raziel for breaking her promise of living.
Nova: She's the only one who would say goodbye, whether it be a whisper or a tear, she'd say goodbye and leave her mark on the world with it.

Ashlee Seaton

Actually I just "killed off" a character (she comes back because she is my favorite. It's a pretty cheesy thing to say before you die but to me, it's really sad just because I know the in's and out's of her.
So basically the character never shows any emotion to anyone and she ends up getting into a relationship (kinda) but never tells him anything about how she feels so he goes off to help some politician in a different empire and she actually realizes that she misses him… finds out that there is going to be an assassination attempt against him (long story) and goes to save him. As she is doing that she really is feeling love for him, but again doesn't do or say anything to that effect when she saves him.
-ok now the good part… I just wanted to give some background info lol-
So the main character is going off to war (sent by her horrible husband that she was forced to marry - again long story) so basically, the whole battle that she and her people will be fighting is a suicide mission and she goes anyway… the last convo is basically her saying "I am going to fight this battle with my people no matter what you do or say"
he then goes "no, you can't go"
She goes "and why is that?"
he grabs her by the shoulders and says "because I love you"
she ends up being speechless and walks away…
ok so now she is finally going off to battle and is looking around for him but obviously, she can't find him and she is very sad and is actually showing a little bit of emotion on her face (I just realized that you don't know their names… girl = Blanche and boy = Trygve)
ok so now everyone in the battle is dead except for Blanche and then she sees the person who trained her and he ends up wounding her horribly (again another long story sorry) she goes on for a little longer, looking for someone alive that doesn't want to kill her before coming to a castle - long story short someone shoots her
ok so now she is laying on the snow-covered ground and she ears Trygve's voice and healers and horses
he comes over to her and tells her to hold on and stuff
she replies with "I love you" before dying
not so fun fact: she never saw Trygve's or heard the other people she was just imagining the last thing that she wanted to hear or see before she passed

sorry for rambling and for a really cheesy one but that's mine lol