forum I need someone to rewrite a section of my story.
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Deleted user

I need someone to rewrite a section of my story because I have no idea what its like in the scenario in that part of the story, and I would much rather have someone else do it and get it right than do it myself and get everything wrong.
Can someone do that?


Why not take the time to research and then write it yourself once you've gained enough knowledge? I mean, I don't see why you'd be more willing to let someone else write your story for you instead of putting in some effort and time researching. In the end, you'd be more knowledgable than you were before (plus you'd know how to better write similar scenes) and you wouldn't have to go through the hassle of working with someone else.

Just saying, it'd be better for you in the long run if you didn't appoint someone else to do the work you don't want to do for a story that you are writing.

Deleted user

Yeah, but even if I do the research, it wouldnt feel genuine, if that makes sense? It would feel like someone looked that stuff and then made the scene by guessing

@Pickles group

That's what it feels like now. You need to do research on your own and practice writing, not try to recruit someone to write it for you. This stuff leaks into everyday life and you won't even be able to write that if you don't do research yourself.

@PaperHats business

Maybe it would be better if you wrote it and asked someone that’s knowledgeable to critique it? That’s a challenge we all face as writers— research to realism, where we have to be extremely good at putting ourselves in our characters shoes. Seeing life through their eyes. It’s something I still struggle with, too. But it’s something we have to practice.


Yeah, but even if I do the research, it wouldnt feel genuine, if that makes sense? It would feel like someone looked that stuff and then made the scene by guessing

Well, you don't actually know that since you haven't even tried yet. Don't just sit around and make assumptions and excuses–actually go and do the work. Then and only then is when you should resort to other options. Just, don't go beating yourself up without giving yourself the chance to prove yourself, otherwise, this industry is going to tear you to shreds.

Get advice from those who are trusted.

And most importantly, never fucking give up on yourself. Writers are constantly improving and evolving. The minute you throw in the towel is the minute you stop growing as a writer.

Deleted user

i'd be willing to do it if it's a subject i know stuff about that i'll be rewriting. i'd be happy to take a look!

Nah, I'm good