forum i need help with writer's block can anyone help?
Started by HeavyDuty

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Just a note, be careful when using synonyms. Make sure each word change fits into the context and text around it. While its good to use bigger words, the story feels extremely unnatural in the terms of voice. Think of them like sprinkles, they're good, but no one wants their ice cream overloaded with them.
Why such a specific number on the years he's been frozen? Is there a reason it couldn't be shorter or longer? Did the aliens technology advance over the thousands of years that he was frozen?
The term "old bloke" wouldn't be used by someone in the jungle. It's more of an American/British thing. An old term to be used in the year 2017.
Go into detail about what the locations look like and what the characters look like. I have no idea what the room looked like before it collapsed, so it's hard to imagine where everyone is at.
It's really not clear if they are animals or people altered to look like animals.
The main character at this point in your story should be focusing on what happened between the time he was put into cryo and the time he woke up. Clearly, a lot has changed so it seems like he would want to know what happened when he went under. Maybe you can take a break from the action and take a moment to buld up the world that hes woken up in. What's the population? Where is his current location? Who is in charge of the city, town, country, etc? What wars have taken place?


I've added some, so to add onto those.
What are some diseases or illnesses that are predominate in your world? Malnutrition? Diseases that spread through the air? Genetic diseases? Ones that spread through contact? Which ones are common? Which are life threatening?
Are there different races? You mention aliens, do they all look the same? Do they all resemble animals?
How did the aliens get there? Why did they choose him? Why the others? Why did they keep them locked up for thousands of years and not execute them?
Who is the leader of the aliens? How long have they been the leader? How are leaders chosen?
What kind of government do they have? Dictatorship? Monarchy? Democracy?