forum I'm worried that no one will like my story? (Fire Emblem fans are needed and SERIOUSLY F*CKING HELP I WANT TO BUT IDK?)

people_alt 3 followers

@The Seliph-loving Gryffindor who also loves dragons and cats

So, I'm rewriting Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War. The story is named Shadows of Jugdral. I'm planning to do a Shadows of Ylisse (Awakening) after this. I know Awakening is unpopular with the fandom, so a remake could be praised, but Genealogy is one of the most popular Fire Emblem games. I'm worried that Fire Emblem fans would kill me in cold blood for writing Shadows of Jugdral.

@Becfromthedead group

So do you mean sort of like an alternate ending? (I am a FE fan, I just haven't played through anything older than Awakening, sadly, so idk how much help I'll be)

@Becfromthedead group

Ah, I see. Well, there's no harm in going for it, and if you decide it's not good enough to share, then there's no pressure to do so.
About Awakening, though, my main problem with the story is just Chrom. I've always just made fun of the poor man. I like it otherwise, especially because of its gameplay. It was my first FE game. Not going to lie, though, the selling point for me was seeing that you could pair characters up.

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, if they don't like it, that's their problem. You're doing this more for you, yeah? You've got this idea, and you want to write it down. It's interesting to think about any fictional universe and what could have happened if one thing was done differently. Leads you into universe parallels and whatnot. That's not unlike what happened in Awakening, either, with the kiddos showing up from an alternate future.


Honestly, you just gotta get in there and do it my guy. Like, I'm writing a Breath of the Wild fic that casts Princess Zelda and the Kingdom of Hyrule as a bunch of xenophobic, racist imperialists and Ganon as a well-intentioned extremist. I'm sure it'll baffle and confuse and possibly even anger a lot of people in the fandom, but do I care? Not really, because I know someone will like it because it's gonna be a good story. If you're writing a good story, people will read it, and people will like it. Will you get some haters? It's possible. But if people can be out here and get fans using fandom to write about their creepy incest and underage porn fantasies, then I think you'll be ok.


Hey, I'm going to tell you something. You don't have to write what others want you to write! You can write for yourself! You can write whatever you want, if writing it makes you happy odds are, it will make others happy too! I get it though, it is terrifying, but I find if I write the story/fic for myself first I don't mind what others have to say quite as much.