forum How do you write combat?
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 47 followers


It's a rough draft.
Here goes.

“I've never known a practocal hitman to use a katana.” Byron chortled, snidely.
The hitman charged him. Silently, nothing but the sound of the katana slicing through the air and his footsteps. No words.
Byron was impressed. Silent. Competent. Despite his frankly impractical weapon choice for this particular matter.
The other guy plunged his sword forward.
Faster than he could see, Byron too, plunged his hand forth, directly into the katana. The noise of the blade stepping through his hand Bliss a slight one. A crack from the bones. A few twinges from snapped tendons. A hiss from the blade slicing through muscle, and a spattering noise from where his blood squirted onto the cold, grimy concrete floor. Noises only he could notice.
He smiled, a shit-eating grin. As the other kept trying. Until the habaki of the sword touched his palm. He sidestepped, so that the blade of the sword wouldn't skewer him at the last second.
The assailant drew back, almost abandoning his blade from shock. His blood ran cold, as his stomach knotted into a harsh mess.
“How…” He croaked.
“They told you about my little secret, correct?” The vampire asked, gas-flame blue eyes burning into his attacker.

@Echo_6 group

Got it. I usually write the fast paced action in short choppy sentences. And when I'm writing long drawn out fights like a war I focus more on how certain characters are feeling and what they are doing. I got good at writing drawn out fights cause I have one that's still going. I'm on page 22. I can put a link to it if you want to read it.

@Echo_6 group

Here you go let me know if it works. I'm not done yet, and it's still a rough draft, but hopefully you like it

@Reblod flag

Here's a combat scene I wrote. It's not very good because it's one of those paragraphs that I rewrote a lot and for some reason that makes the writing really stiff. The other fight scene is even worse so I'll just share this one.

Their metallic talons locked together. Louise ignored the shudder that ran through her, wrenching herself around and spinning the angel away from her. She dove and he followed, plunging straight down, talons outstretched. Was he even trained? Louise caught herself and arced up. With one powerful wingbeat, she shot skyward and glanced down. The other angel followed with unrelenting fury. Louise waited. He didn’t catch on to her plan. When he was close enough, Louise snapped her wings to the side and dropped. She landed on the young angel’s shoulders and jumped off him. He lost his balance and, despite his desperate flailing, fell. Louise went with him, snatching one of his arms and yanking him towards her. Her hand closed around his throat. Desperate fear flashed in his eyes. He flung his arms out and raked his claws across her chest plate but it did little to stop his opponent. Louise dug her own talons into the tender flesh of his neck and tore, crunching through the bone. Blood gurgled up into his mouth as the light in his rich brown eyes faded. Louise shoved him into the open air. His feathers flickered, changing from brown to white, closely followed by his hair and then his eyes. Ignavess called from behind her. Louise peered around to see the other phoenix turning to ash in his claws.