forum Help with languages being inadequate??
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Deleted user

So I'm asking all the writers who care to try to help with the unhelpable, How do you write when all words aren't descriptive and adequate enough?? Like My brain wants to infodump so much in the form of adjectives that all adjectives have to many "meanings" and there's no way to seperate them and/or they aren't exactly what i mean but the closest that exist. I know that there's no way to really "fix" this, but how do you settle on using a word that not 100% what you want to say??

In short, How do you convince yourself it's fine to use words even though words can't describe X.(Also i'm sorry if this made not seance but MBTI people seem to think it's type specific and I can't words.)

@Painted-Iris group

I know the feeling friend. The best you can do is settle for something and come back to it later. It would also help if you had a peer help you who has at least a decent idea on descriptive writing.

@Riorlyne pets

If you know there’s a word for something and you just can’t quite remember it, a reverse search can be helpful. This is the website I use:

Basically you type in what the word means, and it gives you (hopefully) the right word or at least words related to it. You can also look up synonyms of the word that you know isn’t quite right, and seeing similar words could jog your memory.

If there isn’t a word for exactly what you want to say, then unfortunately all you can do is use words that are as close in meaning as possible. It’s okay to use a few words if there isn’t one single one that works by itself.

And as JellyBeanIris said, you can get someone’s specific help too! And I’m sure there’d be writers on here happy to answer, “what’s a word that sort of means X but kind of Y yet not Z?”