forum Gang names--(pls leave suggestions)
Started by @TryToDoItWrite

people_alt 2 followers


I suck at naming things and most of the time I just look on the internet for hours until i get something. For character names i use generators, and for town names i scroll through lists of real town names of a random state but for a gang…I need help.
Bit o' backstory on the premise of my world:
–runes are the source of magic
–each person is born with a rune on their palm that is a source of energy
–every man-made rune (i call them "artificial" runes) require energy input from a human's natural rune to work
–the government banned the use of runes and every citizen is legally required to "snuff out" or "disable" their natural rune
–the gangs i'm needing help naming "jailbreak" themselves (they break the seal on their rune)
– the gangs mostly create and sell artifical runes as their main purpose