forum funking,,,,,,,,JEANUBIS
Started by @AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

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@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I swear I'm working on part 4 I'm just.,h,,,,,struggling to decide which ending I should do and thus I cant write certain things,,h,,,,

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Hey guys

Registered Dumbass™ here to tell u that I can finally continue on part 4 after trying to decide how I wanted it to end because I found an ending for this AU that I pre-wrote like weeks ago and forgot about it and it's just been sitting in my notes app so


Expect a post somewhat soon



I do not believe he was born a psychopath or a murderer. I think he was quite susceptible to the horrors, more sensitive than the rest. However, I believe his fate was altered significantly. Sorry about that.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Oh yeah and for that one AU I was talking abt

I sit with my feet crossed, slouching heavily on the bench. My hands fidgeted absentmindedly, but I could feel someone's eyes on me. Did he follow me? I turn around, looking for his eyes, but find no one except passing faces. I sigh, realizing that I only looked because I was hoping tha-
"You look awfully paranoid for someone who isn't actually committing any crimes right now."
I whip around to find him sitting on the bench next to me. How did he get there so quietly, and how did I not notice him? He stared at the trains that passed by, but in a second he turned to me.
He looked painfully relaxed.
Almost…happy? Why did he look so genuine?
I study his face, knowing the only time I see a grin on it is when he's downed at least two bottles of whiskey. But now, he's almost completely sober. And…did he shave? God, no wonder I didn't notice him; I barely recognize him.
"What are you doing here?" I finally sput out, realizing I'd been starting in silence for a second too long.
"Hey, Anubis, I'm curious: what do you plan to do after you board that train? Where do you think it'll take you?"
"Where my ticket says, to-"
Jean shook his head.
"No, that's not what I mean. Where are you going?"
I stare at him blankly.
"I don't know, that's kind of the point."
Jean looked forward again, inhaling deeply.
"Have you ever thought about starting a family, Anubis? I mean, I know you're not into…all that, but you could still adopt. You ever think about being a father?"
I don't think I could have ever prepared myself for Jean to ask me something like that. It made me curious why he was asking, so I turn it around on him.
"I never really thought about it. Why?"
Jean doesn't look at me as he sighs. The distant sound of a train horn rings from far away, followed by its engine.
"I could never be a father. Even if I had the opportunity to escape this life, I couldn't imagine bringing a child into this world. Into my world."
The train sound grows closer and closer, nearing the station, but I don't think it plans on stopping; maybe it's not scheduled to stop here. Jean stands up, and I feel my heart drop, my stomach turn.
"I think I've made my mark on this world. I've done what I did, and there's no turning back."
I look around, no one paid any attention to him, but I painfully recognized the sound of the words he spoke. Train tires started squeaking on the metal, ringing around the station.
"Jean, look at me."
He turned around and faced me.
"Don't worry, you're doing something good. You're starting all over, starting a new life. I respect that, I even envy it."
He took a few steps backward, causing me to follow him.
"GG, get away from the edge-"
"It's alright. It's okay. In fact, I'm doing you a favor. I'm helping you get rid of your past life. Now go. Start a family, Anubis. For me."
The train was so close now, it almost drowned out my voice.
He lifted his arms at chest level, leaning back and falling into the tracks, right as the train passed. I tried to reach for him, but it happened too fast. I recoil and cover my face as I try not to scream. Shocked sounds of the people around us resound as the train screeches to a stop. My hands shake and my heart practically jumps out of my chest. I turn around, not wanting to look when I realize my train was waiting for me on the other pair of tracks. What am I supposed to do now? If I stay, I miss my train to abandon everything from this life. But what would I be staying for? Police to finally return all the pieces of Jean so that I can confirm it's him? I think about what he said to me. Start a family? With who? It's not like I'm very family-oriented. Maybe he was high and I didn't notice. I shake, realizing I'm already on the train, the clueless conductor left the station before any authority could cancel other departures. It was already moving. I sit on a cold seat apart from everyone else, clutching my bags as I try to steady my breathing. Start a family…?


i held onto this story for too long and now i forgot what the fuck i wanted to write about im so sorry aloe i siked u out for no reason

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Happy Anniversary of

The Incident

Here is an AU that I thought of by watching fan edits of shows I haven't seen or thought about in years!

It's Called
"Remember Remember" LFMAO

He walked behind me as I stood still in the middle of the room. For some reason, I felt like the room was smaller than it'd ever been. Now that their faces aren't visible, I felt big. I felt tall. I heard Anubis click his lighter behind me.
"I don't expect anything from you right now." He muttered, returning to my side. He stood next to me and pretended to care enough to watch their bodies with me. "But, if you wanna live, you should get out of here." He wasn't looking at me.
The smoke caught my eyes and nostrils, but already being so high, not much changed in my face. The front door had been left open and the fire quickly caught wind, spreading easily throughout the house. Within minutes, the place I once called my house became engulfed in flames.
"I'm going to leave before the police get here. I don't really care what you do."
Maybe he was just trying to fill the silence that I emanated from a lack of reaction. Maybe he wasn't even talking. Maybe none of this was actually real.
But it had to be.
The fire cracked and snapped a portion of the ceiling, sending it directly onto Anubis. The impact hit so bluntly that it snapped me out of my daze. I turned to see him lying on the floor, blood dripping from his head. He didn't stand up. Maybe I should have realized how much fire had surrounded us. Maybe I already knew. Wood and debris multiplied on the floor as I held my arms up to cover my face. An obstacle course formed between Anubis and me. I didn't want to leave him, but I was running out of options.
"Anubis!" I call out, attempting to wake him up. The lack of oxygen worked against me as I exhaled quickly. I carefully step over the burning wood and flames, struggling to also listen for falling ceiling and having one hit me against the shoulder. I jump away from it and place a hand on the area, feeling the violent heat of the sparks burn into my skin.
As I reach Anubis, he seems barely conscious, but his eyes were open. I didn't want to have to carry him, so I try to wake him up some more. I bend my knee, attempting to see if he was looking directly at me. He wasn't.
"Hey, you're getting out of here too." I utter, shaking him slightly. That probably wasn't a good idea. His eyes started to roll back in his head as I tap his face, trying to pull him back to consciousness. "Hey, no, keep your eyes ope-Anubis!"
I've lost him. I guess I'd have to drag him out of here. Luckily we had a clear path to the front door. I don't think I'd have any chance at lifting him completely off the ground; not without help, so instead I resort to pulling him out. Once we'd gotten far enough from the fire, I return to attempting to wake him up. Luckily, before a few minutes passed, his eyes started to open.
"Anubis, I need you to stand up. Can you do that?" I ask, still noticing his inability to look right at me.
"What?" He stammered out, genuine confusion filling his face.
"You hit your head, and I'm pretty sure you have a concussion. I need you to stand up so I can take you back home and treat it."
The look on his face told me he was trying to even identify who it was that was talking to him.
"I think I'm gonna throw up."
For fuck's sake. I grip his shoulder and pull him into a sitting position. With his confused help, he manages to get to his feet. I wrap his arms over me, trying to ignore the pains from him touching the burns on my shoulder as I half-drag him back to my car.

Something tells me he's never going to remember exactly how this evening ended, but I don't think I'm against that possibility.


50/50 chance of this concept being canon

The same room, every day, which had the same smell of artificial cinnamon. The only difference really, was the sun. Sometimes it hit this corner of the room, and then as the world revolves, the sun hits the other. I stared at the stream of light when a knock is placed upon my door.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Mail, honey," she exclaimed, opening the door to hand me a few slips of envelopes. "Breakfast will be ready by the time you finish reading those, I think."
As she leaves, I slide my finger under the flap and tear the first letter open. Something about school and prom. A quick scan and a quick toss in the trash. That's how it was for the next two, but the last one had no return address. It was handwritten as well. Upon opening the letter, I discovered what looked like a ransom note. It wasn't, though.
Dear Olliver,
How are you, my boy? We have much to discuss. Will you meet me at the left end of the pond at the local park near the yellow tree? Tomorrow, at around 5 pm?

Love fucking what now?
I scrambled downstairs in a hurry. "Mom, is this some kind of fucking joke?" I shoved the letter in her face.
"Sweetie, calm down. Let me see." Her eyes moved over the paper, the expression slowly changing into fear. "If you decide to go, I'd bring a knife just in case, Is that clear?"
I sat down at the breakfast table. Sammi kept asking us what was going us, but we shushed her. "You think it's real?"
"I don't know, Olli. He's been gone for years and never talked to me. But, the slight chance it is real?"
"Why do I owe it to him to meet him?"
Mom sighed, placing the fork down on the table gently. She looked me straight in the eye. In the most serious tone, she said, "You owe him nothing, you hear? But he owes God something. And if God wants you to go - go. He's saying something."
I furrowed my brows. A silence weighed heavily upon us as the fight between the spiritual world and reality. I guess the spirits won that time.

The grass smushed under my feet. I don't go to this park that often, but when I do, it never fails to amaze me. The green of Ohio was the only good thing about this shitty state. Eventually, I end up at the pond, the white clouds reflected in the calm waters. I see someone else approaching, but he looked familiar. Wait.
"Kris Jenner?" I called to him. "You're my dad?"
"Your d- no, what the fuck? Are you mine?" he said in disbelief.
"I'm literally younger than you," I laughed. "Is this a prank from Jean?"
Another voice came up behind us. "I don't know who Jean is, but no, it's not a prank." We twirled around in shock to stare at a man who looked awfully like Kris. Way too much like Kris.
"Wait, Kris, you're a half brother?" I don't even know how to feel right now. "Wait, he's my brother? What?"
Kris ignored me. All he did was take one good look at the strange man who claims his fathership to us and threw a punch at him. He fell to the ground. "You left my mom."
"You left both our moms," I muttered, not looking at the man.
"I'm sorry. I have issues, okay? I'm trying to fix things." He tried to get back up, but Kris kept him down.
"We have issues because of you!" Kris yelled.
"We?" I said. "Okay, okay Kris, don't, let's hear the man out. We have no obligation to him, but he does to us, so let's just, hear him out, okay?"
Kris looked at me, getting closer to my face. "Why should I fucking listen to you?"
"Because I'm your fucking brother apparently, so man the fuck up, would you?"
Kris allowed the man to stand up and brush himself off. "You two know each other?" he said. "Anyway… my name is Jack, I don't know if you know. I am the biological father of both of you."

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

And That's On
"Been Working On This For Like A Week Thank You"
welcome to

Hunger Games AU!!!
Part 1

The last night. Starting tomorrow morning, twenty-three kids will die. And one kid will lose their soul. I'm sure none of them could sleep right now. The soulless are too excited and the innocent are too anxious.
I can't tell which one I am. I had nothing but time tonight, so I thought about my options. I'll start from the beginning.

My name is Jean White. I am 16 years old. I live in District 7, and I've been selected for the Hunger Games. I was introduced to violence long before I was old enough to understand what Hunger Games was. While my family mourned and wept for my fate, I wasn't too worried. If I win, I'll have more opportunity to escape from my family. If I lose, I don't have to deal with my family. Either way, I still sort of benefit from this. Nevertheless, I pretended to care while in front of my family. Luckily the attention was diverted away from me. The female tribute was originally a 12-year-old girl, but an 18-year-old volunteered in her place. I don't even think they were related, so everyone should be talking about them. I didn't want the attention on me anyway. I walked with her to the train. Technically I'd have to spend the next few days with her anyway, so I thought I'd make my acquaintance. As we sat on the train together, I locked eyes with her and held out a hand.
She twitched a brow at me.
"I know your name. They announced it on the speakers like five minutes ago."
Well, fuck her, I guess. I dropped my gaze, only for her to chuckle and take my hand, shaking it lightly.
"Myst. You may not have heard mine, though."
I looked back up to see a smile on her face. Confused but compliant, I nodded back.
Once our mentors walked in, we discussed our plans. Tyler, our main mentor, was a previous victor, as are all mentors. He managed to rack up the most kills in the game, that being a whopping thirteen kills. He dominated the bloodbath in the beginning, but after that, he barely stopped. It was the shortest Hunger Games that I could remember. People usually avoid him.
Rose, our fashion mentor, came from the Capitol. She doesn't really care about the wellbeing of the tributes, she just wants us to get the audience to like us.
Myst seemed to be paying close attention to everything they're saying, though, so I guess I should listen as well.
"Unfortunately, you're both on the older side, so you can't really do anything cute. But people still love watching two besties work together, so when you're on camera, you should look like you two have been friends for years."
Rose spoke the most, but occasionally Tyler would pipe in.
"It would be best if you two actually got along, then you could sell it better."
"I'm not trying to sell myself."
Tyler tilted his head and eyed Myst.
"Actually, you are. The more applause and love you get from the audience, the more sponsors you get. You can use this to cheat your way to victory. Sponsors will send you gifts in-game. There's a lot of ways you can use the system to your advantage."
Preparing for the interview with Caesar Flickerman was a whole other story. While they cleaned me up, I could hear Myst in the other room objecting to everything they did. I wasn't a big fan of them shaving my scruff or trimming my hair, but Tyler's words stuck with me. I had to make a few sacrifices if I wanted to continue living. They put us in these brown-ish fitted suits and dresses, the dress being half opaque and showing this green stitching of leaves and a few flowers, and a lot of glitter. My suit was a muted brown, black button-up shirt and a dark green tie. Not sure who authorized that, but I got a lot of compliments on my way to the waiting room.
I watched on the screen whoever was in the interview at the moment. Caeser and the other tribute just sat down, so the interview had just begun.
"Now, Anubis, was it? That's an interesting name."
The kid, Anubis, grinned a toothy grin. "Yeah, it's actually pretty ancient, it's from a dormant religion, Anubis was the god of the dead." The crowd rose in whispers and awe. Anubis tilted his head towards Caesar. "But how about yours, Caesar? That's pretty old too, isn't it?"
Caesar smiled back and responded, "Good thing my wife loves the classics."
The two of them laughed with the audience as I rolled my eyes. That is until I saw something flash in Anubis's eyes. What was that? A hint of a facade? He's from District 3, which is still pretty close to the capitol. It may be the least luxurious of the careers, but it's at least part of the careers. Everyone from the lower districts is known to be supportive of the Hunger Games, especially considering they win a majority of the games. What sort of doubt did Anubis possess?
I wasn't able to pay attention to the rest of the interviews before mine. When Anubis walked by, he was already taking off his suit jacket and tie. The mentor following close behind. Both of them had a dirty look on their face, but the mentor seemed to be directing it at Anubis. I couldn't get his face out of my head.
Myst's interview was mostly about the fact that she volunteered, and if she knew the girl. Myst appeared to be way too prepared for this topic, so before answering a question she would inhale, pretend to brood for a second, look at the audience with a soft expression, and say something heartfelt.
"I couldn't stand to let such a sweet little girl like Celia go through all of that. She's only twelve!"
Everyone in the audience awed and clapped for Myst, labeling her as a hero. Well, that went well for her, I guess. Before I went on stage for the interview, Tyler stopped me.
"Remember: if being yourself won't make the audience happy, be someone else. Just for this moment. Once the game starts, go nuts."
I furrowed a brow at Tyler, starting to continue forward.
"The game's already started."
As I felt the lights on me, I forced a smile and waved at the audience that I couldn't even see. The lights blinded me too much, but I tried my best to ignore them. Caesar asked me about myself and my thoughts on the Capitol, and my plan for the Hunger Games. I came up with some answers that made Myst and I look like friends. The audience liked that.
Then we had to go to the training. Myst found her affinity for light swords, which no one expected, but she seemed to pick it up pretty well. She was light on her feet, too, so she managed. This did help me get a better scope of the other tributes. Tyler told me all the names too, and a general idea of their personalities from what little they revealed in the interviews.
District 1 had a colorful girl named Exila. She had blue and black hair, and during the interview, a dress to match. She came off as gentle and soft in the interview but holds a cold glare off camera. The boy was a red-haired kid named Lee Ace. He seemed pretty valorous, proud and ready for the fight; not surprising for 1.
District 2 had a small freckled girl named May. She cried when she was picked, which was weird for 2. Usually, people get excited, and people are always volunteering, but no one volunteered for her. The boy was tall with rusty orange hair and a hardened expression; His name was Roger. He volunteered for his brother. He didn't really have much to say in the interview-unless it was about his brother.
District 3, other than Anubis, had a girl named Macy.
District 4 had a little girl, maybe 14 years old, named Harmony, and an 18-year-old boy named Kaiholo. Turns out he's blind, so he might get a lot of pity sponsors. Who am I kidding, he'll die in the bloodbath.
District 5 had a sharp young man named Eddie and a distant girl named Kora.
District 6 had a boy named Wyatt and a girl named Rai
District 8 had a boy named Brandon and a girl named Kireina
District 9 had a boy named Jesse and a girl named Jesse
District 10 had a boy named Cyrus and a girl named Marina
District 11 had a boy named Yuki and a girl named Jaeden
District 12 had a boy named Jade and a girl named Astrid
"Now's not the time to practice the mysterious cool guy appeal that you like to pretend that you have." Tyler's words echoed in my mind as I gazed around the training room, "Make allies with fighters."
My eyes fell back onto Anubis. Unfortunately, he was already looking at me. Rather than look away, I took this opportunity to start walking towards him. He returned to the project he's working on as he passively watched me.
"What's that?" I pointed at what he's doing.
"A silencer. I heard they're not going to give us guns in the game, so I'm gonna make my own."
I nodded and leaned on the table. "So you're gonna shoot a bunch of kids?"
He paused, looked at me with a frown, and set the gun on the table. "You're one to talk. Your mentor is fucking crazy."
I shrugged. "He's not that bad once you get to know him."
Anubis chuckled. "Do you not remember? In his victorious interview, he said that he liked killing them."
I raised an eyebrow. How did he remember that? Is that even true? I shook my head slightly.
"Well, that's just what the games do to you, isn't it?"
"I don't know…" Anubis started. "I think he was like that before the games." Frustrated, I straighten up and cross my arms.
"You never answered my question."
"No, Mr. Can't Be Wrong, I'm not going to shoot a bunch of kids. Does that satisfy your "I'm Perfect Because I Talk to the Weird Kid" thirst?
Damn, no wonder he doesn't talk to anyone.
"You're not special for opposing the Hunger Games. No one likes it but they also still want to live."
"Who said I still want to live?"
Anubis picked up the gun again, hopping up on the table to sit. "Have you ever wondered what would happen if a tribute died before the games started? Would they get another tribute? Would they cover it up? Say they died in the bloodbath? I'm sure it's happened before, but there's no known documentation of it."
He talked so fast, it took me a second to even process everything he had said.
"Yeah, there's no history books, and it's hard to get into the system, but they really avoid any mention that could indicate that there's actually something fundamentally wrong with the Hunger Games. Makes me wonder if there's another firewall to get past…" His eyes trailed off, indicating that so had his thoughts.
"Did you hack into their system?"
He looked at me, as if my question snapped him back into reality.
"I didn't hack them. I'm in district three." Anubis reached across the table and grabbed a water bottle. He then opened it, took a sip, hopped off the table, and looked at me. "There was no hacking necessary. I was already in."
As he walked away, I watched him, confused. What was he trying to suggest?
The solo training was weird. Occasionally you'd hear muffled yelling, grunts, and other sounds indicating people trying to show off their skill. I couldn't stop thinking about what Anubis had said. He wasn't sure what would happen if a tribute died before the games…
"Who said I still want to live?"
In all honesty, I was half expecting Anubis to shoot himself during training. When he went in, his face hardened, and he had a dark look in his eyes.
But, within time, he walked out. Weirdly enough, he was holding back a smug grin.
Everyone was mad at me after regular training. I didn't really train much, I just talked to a few other tributes. I asked Eddie what kind of battlefield he'd prefer. He told me as much as I'm expecting him to say a powerplant or something, he doesn't want something that reminds him of where he lives. He'd rather something tropical, even if he can't thrive in it. I asked Kaiholo what he plans to do during the bloodbath. He said it didn't matter. At first, I felt pity for him, but then he added, "Nothing we plan will come to fruition. We have no control."
I like to think he's talking about the Gamemakers, but something tells me he wasn't even thinking about them. I hope he at least has a quick, painless death.
The door closed behind me as I looked awkwardly at the Gamemakers. What was I even supposed to do? I knew I could handle an ax since I was forced to chop tons of wood, but how am I supposed to use it in combat? I remembered watching the older guys, probably in their 20s, throwing axes at trees as some sort of game, but they never let me try it. Except for that time my brother, Kristopher, let me. He's just turned 19, so he has to do more serious lumber work, but he let me throw the ax on occasion.
Obviously I never hit the tree.
But what else did I have to show the Gamemakers?
I wandered to the weapons wall, seeing that the ax was still blissfully placed on the wall told me that no one had used it yet. I gripped it tight, pulling it off the rack. It was much lighter than the axes back at home, and the handle was rubber for an easier grip. I turned to the nearest target, that being about 10 feet away from me.
Obviously I didn't get the bull's eye, but I still managed to hit the target. I turned to the Gamemakers. A few of them nodded approvingly, leaning to each other to whisper.
The lead Gamemaker stood up and said. "Thank you, Jean. You may leave now."
I nodded and turned to the door.
"You should be asleep."
I blink my eyes, getting shot from the intense flashback into the present. I had found myself in the dining room of our living quarters, sitting at the table. I couldn't handle sitting in bed. Tyler interrupted my thoughts after about an hour of me being alone.
He reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.
"I'm only sixteen," I mutter as he pours me a cup. Tyler scoffs and looks at me as if I have to be joking.
"Tell that to the president. You're also about to go be forced to kill a bunch of kids your age as well. There is no order to these laws. Drink."
I take the cup and nervously gulp down the entirety of what he poured. It stung going down, and it showed on my face as Tyler chuckles, taking a sip. I look at him, remembering what Anubis said.
"How did you do it?" I cough out, not realizing how much the whiskey affected me. He eyes me and shrugs.
"If you want the truth, I don't really remember much of it. I'd made a friend in the games, and I got too attached. The careers killed her. While she bled out, all I could hear was them laughing. They were laughing at my tears."
I listen closely, watching his expression darken as he pauses.
"So…you avenged her, right?"
He nods, suddenly not so talkative.
"Yeah, I guess. I remember turning and looking at them, but I actually don't remember anything after that. It's just black. The next thing I remember is right after the victory interview with Caesar."
He looks at me.
"Nevermind that. This is your last day of peace. I suggest you sleep as deeply as you can."