forum Ffffff help me come up with diabolical alien invasion schemes?? I'm begging you

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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

So, brief rundown: In my story, the aliens are friendly, and they decided that they were finally going to reveal themselves to humans. Trouble is, they're a bunch of unprofessional bumbling idiots, and their attempt to make peaceful contact with a lone human before the big reveal ended with them lowkey kidnapping a random human teen. (Peacefully, of course! XD) Naturally, the teen's freaking out, but they convince him to tour the other alien worlds before returning with them to earth (that's another shaky part of the plot I need to work on lol).
You may have gathered this is gonna be a comedy. BUT, I'm working on a side plot where one of the aliens is secretly planning to invade/exploit Earth somehow, and their plot is revealed (and then quickly thwarted) at the end of the story.
Trouble is, I need ideas for the villain alien's motivations, what their plan is exactly, how they carry it out, and how they're stopped. I want it to be semi-serious and thrilling, but still in the comedy genre.
There are five alien races: cave/jungle tribes, desert scientists, highly advanced underground empire, snowy kingdoms, and psychic sentient crystals colonizing an asteroid belt. I know that one of the desert scientists is the villain but that's about it.
Any thoughts? Suggestions? I'm desperate here, I'm in the fourth chapter and I need to start foreshadowing for the finale reaaaal soon ;-;

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I mean….yeah….they're a desert race and Earth has a lot of water, so that's one thing. I'm not sure, I feel like he might need some motive or goal that's a bit more intricate. I'll write it down though, thanks for the suggestion!


I mean, if you want to go a little more serious route, maybe they disagree with their current leader and want to overthrow them, but need a "home base" to do it? And they figure, "Well this place called 'Earth' is pretty new and susceptible to a raiding, why not?" and decide to do that?