forum Does this sound like a Dystopia Cliche
Started by @Lavy-the-Nerdy-Sci-Fi-Birdy

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I've got a loose idea rolling around where humans (maybe cyborgs. I dunno) had to retreat a underground or contained enviroment because the surface was failing and overtime a supercomputer AI took control or something (The computer treats it all like an experiment or game). Everything is that isn't a solid substance is projected or VR and everything is manufactured and synthetic. There are enough generations that no one knows if nature exists. Anyway, the whole thing is failing and I can't decide if the AI would simply 'shut down' the humans or opt to have them journey up to the surface to try and survive.
I was thinking the humans would be cyborg-ish 'cuz that way the computer has more control over them. idk
Does this sound cliche at all? If it is, what do you think I could change to make it less so?


It would also make more sense for them to be cyborgs because humans can't survive underground for multiple generations, unless they had access to materials that would correct those problems. They need sunlight and fresh air and natural food (which also needs sunlight and fresh air) and all that. I think even living solely for a decade or so underground causes some kind of disease that makes your legs to stop working… not sure about the details of that though.

But anyway, I actually don't read much dystopia, so I can't tell you if it's cliche except that you've got a lot of different elements from the Matrix movies. Like the AI controlling people, living with holograms (well in the movie it was a computer program simulation), living underground, etc. It's still different enough I think, though.


Yah, I've never seen the Matrix movies.
Did some reading up and it's actually augmented reality I was thinking of when I wrote that. (My mistake. Didn't know there was a difference between AR & VR until today.)
The idea was that they had devices that produced synthetic sunlight and purified air.
Thanks for the opinion, @Masterkey.