forum Best joke you've written in a book
Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

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Okay if you cracked a joke in your book that you're really proud of, please share it here!

A favorite of mine: giant monster is roaring into the sky, like giant monsters do. A guy holding a twelve gauge shotgun looks up at it. "Oh look it's a male." Lone gunshot is heard. Cut to monster lying on the ground in pain.

@Katastrophic group

Beautiful. ngl I'm a little disappointed that videogames rarely count that area as a critical hit…

Not really a joke as it is a running gag, my MC has a pet banshee (real scary ghost things in this story). Everyone is terrified to meet her pet, but then they find out it's actually just a "cat" named banshee. Its not actually a cat. Here's one of my favorite encounters over the cat:

"Oh, that's just banshee." Rori said, securing the wriggling bag over her shoulder.
"You have a banshee. In your bag." Damian deadpanned. Said bag let out a screech that did in fact sound like a very angry banshee.
"Oh, no! It's just my cat."
"Well I can see how it was named."

-some time later-

"what?" Rori pulled the creature onto her lap. "I know she's a bit bigger than the average cat but she's really friendly." The large definitely-not-cat was now purring in her lap. It looked very pleased, as much as a weird winged monster with very sharp talons and a skull for a face can look pleased.
"That is not a cat!"


As I'm writing a comedy, there are many I'm actually quite proud of xD Most aren't 'jokes' though, more just funny ways of saying and describing things.
Here's one of my current favorites xD
The character in question is a giant 9 ft tall grey monster man who is actually quite graceful

The Cephei ran off some strict orders, and one of those was, for reasons of size and clumsiness that were incorrectly assumed, to stay out of the library. Not a single foot could be set in there under any circumstances. And, well, as he stood outside the door, reflecting upon his orders, this definitely qualified as a circumstance.


Sorry to post again so soon, but I found a better one

"When you’re writing a story, it goes something like this, (and I’m going to try my best to portray a visual meme in nothing but text. Wish me luck).

A. Think of a story ———————————— B. Get excited and start thinking of ideas

C. Write a consistent plot. ———————————— D. Write a consistent plot.

@Starfast group

(This is from a project that I've tried rewriting a few times, but I'm taking a break from it since I don't really know where to go with it. Exact wording might change, but this has happened in every version of the story).

"Really though, what kind of a name is Ara?"
"You've got a lot of nerve asking that considering your name is Dallas."


Oh these are fantastic!
I suppose other jokes included in one story of mine are in the chapter titles. For example: 'chapter one; why I hate mornings' (in chapter protag's house gets burned down and he's kidnapped by a dragon)
'Chapter 8; why I'm scared of old ladies' (nothing scary old lady related happens, there's just this really mean Grandma who calls him an idiot)
And of course, not a chapter title: "she smiled so warmly and softly that if you only focused on her face, you'd think her a nice person who didn't kidnap poor innocent cartographers via giant dragon."


Ah, yes, chapter names are always the best place to insert jokes!! :D I love those, let me add a few of mine to the party xDD
Chapters 1 and 2: "Once Upon a Bad Life Decision," and the following "Twice Upon a Bad Life Decision"
Chapter 11: "The Atypically Typical Situation"
Chapter 14: "A Blow to the Stomach and then one a bit Lower"
Chapter 16: "Antidisestablishmentarianism Floccinaucinihilipilification Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Char­gogg­a­gogg­man­chaugg­a­gogg­chau­bun­a­gung­a­maugg" (Yes, it is highly plot relevant. Never thought I'd make it work, but hey xD)
Chapter 18 "Unreliable, Not So Cool, Outrage, Unamazing" (Play off the lego movie 2 song supercool)
The trifecta, Chapters 19, 20 and 22: "Little Old Gentlepeople," "A Sudden Phobia of Little Old Gentlepeople," and "Little Old Not-So-Gentlepeople"
My favorite, chapter 24: IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZ-AR
Chapter 26: If you Wanna Big and Juicy Hunk of Meat, Eat My Buddy Pumba Here, Because he is a Treat!
Chapter 28: Chapter Breaks Were Deemed Necessary by the Costume Department
Chapter 30: In Which we Actually Return to the Main Narrative. At Least, That’s the Plan
And last but not least, one of my favorite moments what when the story turns into a musical and two of my gay babies are chased by a homophobic man dubbed Angry Neighbor to the tune of Shia LaBeouf.