forum Anyone wants to co-write?
Started by @InfinityCry*

people_alt 3 followers


Yes let's do it! Do we want to follow one character's perspective or multiple? And do you like writing as first person, third person, or omniscient?

Deleted user

I prefer third person and I say we pick some main gods we want to focus on and do it from their point of view

Deleted user

Google docs, that way I can accses it on my school laptop please!


I have to use my personal but to get to my personal I have to shortcut through a link so I can sign in without getting blocked (school chromebook). So after I post my email could you please post the link here after you share it?

I also have a business personal and a recreational personal so idk which one I should use for this.


I think I'll wanna stick with the brother and sister duo for me with Apollo and Artemis. And if not them then I can probably write accurate couples like Hades and Persephone or Hephaestus and Aphrodite or Zues and Hera.


now should each one of us pick a god and a goddess?

Hmm wait. This will make 6 mc's with just the first three of us. Are we picking them to be main characters or just to be side characters and show up a lot so we can narrow our pov's?