forum anyone know any good sights for cover making?
Started by @croccin-champagne

people_alt 42 followers


Hey, @thighighcrocs-got-the-dog-off-the-table! Your username is great, by the way. I'm L.C!

Cutting straight to the chase, it heavily depends on the kind of style you're going for.
I find that Adobe Spark is a good website for very minimalistic covers, but if you want something very specific…

(Like, illustration of a girl with green eyes and blonde curls sitting on a throne while her castle crumbles and burns around her specific…) You'd probably be better off saving up some money to commission a photo/illustrated cover…

I wish you the best of luck, I've had a lot of problems with this very issue, honestly.



Thank you, L.C, I appreciate it! I might end up having to commission someone, honestly, because I'm a lost cause when it comes to this sort of thing

@Starfast group

Not sure if it's really what you're looking for, but maybe pixlr editor? It's basically photoshop, but all online and like 99% of the features are free to use. The only thing you have to pay for are certain fonts, and there's tons that you can use for free anyways, so there's still a lot you can do without paying which is really nice.

The downside though is that it can be a little bit confusing if you're not familiar with certain photo editing tools. The upside to that is that there's lots of online tutorials.