forum A place to put little snippets you don't have context for yet
Started by @yeetus

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"So why is the army and everything after you?" Avani asked sitting across the room from the boy. "Well, I'm illegal to start." He said with a stone face expression.

Deleted user

"Listen," Dusk snarled, baring his uneven but sharp teeth. "I may be an ungodly hybrid that your species created to solve your problems, and ended up turning out quite horribly - so horribly, that you tossed the entire damn project off to the side - but I'm not stupid. I can fix this. So please, from Boga's wrath - let me fix this so we're not dying at the bottom of a dark canyon who knows what is lurking down here with us."

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

The leaves crunched under my boots as I walked. Nothing was particularly right, but everything was going right. I saw him across the park. He was on a bench, glasses on, wearing a coat and writing in his journal. He hadn't noticed me yet; so I continued walking towards him. At last, he heard the leaves crunch under my boots, and he lifted his head to me. An undefinable expression wavered his face for a moment, but his smile covered it quickly. I step closer to him, as he holds his arms up for a hug. Without thinking, I step into the hug, burying my face in his shoulder. The white pieces of fluff started to fall, freckling his coat with stars as I feel them touch my face. I inhale a clean, crisp breath of air before holding my hand out to let the ashy flakes fall into my hand. Everything was wrong, but nothing was going wrong.

I'm only posting this one because I actually forgot which character's story this is for and thus no longer have any context for it.

@Mojack group

He pressed a finger against the wall, swiping up some of the blood from the person they had shot a few minutes prior. Although…
“Is human blood blue?” He called out.
“Let me see.”
There it was. The target had been shot, though survived. Falling against the wall, they got some blood on it, and clearly had make their escape. To where, though?

He glanced up at the light visible through the ceiling of the cave.

@4lagoon4 group

“Just because your dad saved a couple of people you get recognized for every little thing you do. But what about us, we’re heroes too? I’ve want celebrations and festivities held in my honor, but all we get are half hearted smiles and a sideways glance.”