forum Writing Victorian England
Started by @jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

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Hey, that sounds really really cool! beware of the incoming wall of text, I get pathetically excited about this kind of research
If you're set in London, think metropolitan anxiety - 1863 is around the time the genre of detective fiction first appeared, because the job of "detective" was invented in 1842. (idk what that has to do with anything, but it's a fun fact I know so I figured I might as well share it)
You've probably found this already, but in case you haven't - this site has a pretty legit introduction to the basics of the era. I'm not sure what kind of characters you're planning on writing about, but this resource is pretty broad so you should have a better idea of where else to start looking.
Of course, the best way to find out about any time period is to look at primary sources like letters, diaries and photos to see what it was actually like and how people experienced it at the time. This project is something I stumbled across during my archive research last year - it's an online edition of the letters written by this quintessentially Victorian couple, Thomas and Jane Carlyle. They were technically Scottish, and of course of a specific class and occupation, so it might be of limited use to you depending on what you're writing. But it's definitely a fun starting point for language, current events, and general attitudes.
(Edit: did some digging and found the Victorian Lives and Letters Consortium which would definitely be similarly helpful)

I hope at least some of this may have been helpful to you? either way, all the best with your writing!


(hey that's great! I get super excited about this kind of stuff. so. if you need any more resources or have more specific questions, I'm always down to help out)

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

P.S. @Young-Dusty if you're thinking of writing Victorian, a resource I found for clothes is Vintage Dancer. Look it up, it's a great reference for period-correct clothes!!

Ahh thank-you! I'll check that out when I get the chance! ^^

I think they have every time period from Victorian to 70s