forum wouldn't it be awesome to have a customisable globe
Started by @Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

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@Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

like a plain white globe that you can draw your world on. where you can see exactly where you want to put your oceans and countries and decide what degree you want the axis to be on? I think that would be the best thing ever!

@Katastrophic group

i've seen some people use foam spheres or half-spheres and paper-mache to craft a globe for D&D, but I've considered buying a cheap classroom globe and using gesso (a white paint that acts well as a primer). I bet you could also add paper-mache or cardboard rings, even maybe moons?

@Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

Yeah, I’ve thought of the styrofoam balls too, but I can never find one big enough. And every time I try to build it up with tin foil or anything else it never stays correctly and can’t hold any weight

@Katastrophic group

also look in the floral section of your craft store, there might be foam there that's big enough! If you need to build size try kid's magic model air dry clay, that stuff is really light and pretty cheap