forum what's your favourite aspect of the world you're creating?
Started by @cami

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for me, it's the mythology in the faery realm about 'the archer.' it's a constellation in the shape of an archer (and similar to orion's belt, the three original queens are the stars in the belt, being the brightest ones in the sky). in their lore, the stars appear when celestial fairies are born, and grow brighter when they die. in the first novel 'the fallen star' nova was at the tip of the arrow pointing down (symbolizing her fall from grace), but at the end when she finally became queen, her star moved to the crown, and tara's star moved to the arrow's tip, but this time pointing up (obviously ends on a move positive note). the archer can be seen in both the human realm and faery, meave's star guiding the way for nova throughout most of the story.

i just really like stars ⭐️

@Chronicle Beta Tester

I am obsessed with systems and logistics.

I'm not a very good writer. I don't really enjoy creating characters. I couldn't tell a story even if my life were on the line, but I can explain how mail gets around and how governments work.

Also, I enjoy creating fantasy creatures because the creatures don't have to make any biological sense.

Ember Ris

I'd have to go with my worldbuilding. I love creating new cultures and societies, and sketching up maps and clothes. My current story is the most in-depth I've ever written about a world, and it presents so many unique challenges!


My favorite aspect of the world I'm creating is the long history of wars in and around the regions where my characters will have their adventures, and the resulting political intrigue because of it. I also have many different stories lined up that all take place in the same world, but are separated by a lot of time.

Deleted user

Hmmm. I'm not sure. There isn't really any one thing that sticks out to me as super great. Wow that actually sounds kind of sad now that I think about it. Oops.


I love my villain group the most honestly, 'Angelus Reprodi', I also feel quite proud of how I made the main four character meet up, they are some of the most humane characters I've written.


I love creating characters after character and throwing them in a world. I also love logistics: my favorite thing right now is figuring how the calendar system works between the different races.

Deleted user

My favorite part of the world I'm making is the fact that there are a lot of myths, fantasy things, religious beliefs, and old stories mashed into one!


My favourite part of my world is probably… the Circus. That sounds super weird, I know, but basically the main character is on the run from the murderer and joins a traveling Circus to hide himself.


The eight Houses of the Ketyrei (elves).

Fantasy obviously. Each House have their own emblem, obvious physical feature (they're all related), lands and slightly different laws but all follow the High King which is from one of the Houses, Perlintë


I'm weird in that I take a lot of joy in creating the little things that make up my universe. Like the clothes they wear and the sports they play. They kind of music they listen to. What kind of trees are planted outside of my protagonists home. My main characters favorite food. The little things are just really fun to me.


I like creating culture, and having that moment when it all ties together, and it makes sense that (a) led to (b) and so on.


I love my magic system and how it ties into my races! Basically, Dragons can have all magic, Humans can have one quarter-ish magic, Wyverns have no magic, and Half-Dragons have half magic.

@Riorlyne pets

Usually my favourite aspect of the world I'm creating is the one I'm in the middle of developing - it changes from week to week. At the moment I'm really enjoying refining one of my language's scripts and how it's used in their society.


Personally, I love to create the histories of my worlds, ranging from nuclear devastation to a demonic genocide. I also particularly enjoy creating maps.


I'm writing a lot of different things at once, but I would have to say that my favorite one would be my book Void, where every creature is extremely intelligent in their own way, but most cannot communicate with creatures of a different species. Species that can communicate with other species eventually end up banding together and forming large and powerful kingdoms all across the universe.


Probably my favorite aspect of my world is a pair of immortal beings in the lore of the universe. One was an extremely powerful and kind-hearted water mage when she was alive, wandering the world and using her magic for good whenever she could. When she died, her soul was so powerful that it became the seed of a world tree that sprouted, tearing the world into five separate worlds, all supported by the tree. Other mage souls added to the tree over the centuries, but it was always primarily her soul holding the universe together. Over time, she grew exhausted from the responsibility she held, from the simple everyday parts of life extended over millennia. She decided to, as many of the smaller parts of the tree had done, leave. She had made up her mind to will herself out of existence, the only way to escape her pain, when a new soul arrived at the tree. At first, she took no notice of them. But they took notice of her. When she finally announced her departure to the souls, they were all shocked, disgusted, appalled. They told her she had to stay. All except one. The new soul separated themselves from the crowd and told her that she didn’t have to stay. But that they wanted her to stay. That they would never let her feel that pain again, not alone. That she just had to let them try. And so, she stayed. And the two of them shared the burden together until the end of time, enjoying every second of it, together.

@Reblod flag

That is a very difficult question to answer. A lot of things are changing and I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere with my world but at the same time…
I guess at the moment I'm focusing on geography, history, and the countries so I suppose that's my answer but I adore making creatures, deities, lore, races, etc. So everything I guess.


I love it all!!! But especially the religions and myths and races and cultures. So much fun. I enjoy the fact that I created 12 religions out of 3-4 pantheons… and everyone believes the same general creation myth, but different religions worship and place importance on different pantheons and aspects. If anyone has questions, just message me (if you can do that on here?)

Deleted user

I currently love my God systems. In my world there are different Gods for Life, Death, Love and even Insanity! I also have core Magic systems who also have Gods. But my favorite out of that branch is the “Growing Gods” where they select certain magic users to be Demi-Gods for a while. Usually they are in pairs, and once one passes away the living one takes the others magic and uses it for their future Godship! Edgy as hell but lol, I really like it.