forum Tips
Started by @Sassypennepasta

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Hello! I was just wondering if anyone would like to share tips with other writers?

  • Do you have any tips about how to write descriptively?
  • Any tips on how to create a species/race/world/language?
  • Debunking any writing/plot myths? (Wanton /= wonton, you do not fix x injury with x medicine, etc.)
  • Tips on where to find/how to keep inspiration?


Well to find or keep inspiration is hard for me in the first place, so I had to think of an extensive list of things to run through before my options are completely exhausted.

  • Listen to music. Trailer music, movie scores, mainstream media music, game soundtracks, covers, anything at all.
  • Tumblr. Prompt blogs, even the inspirational/life/love quotes can inspire you in some way. Poetry blogs, dialogue prompts, shitposts.
  • Pinterest or Weheartit. A bunch of aesthetic images or quotes as well, great for inspiration. My weheart it is @sshadowhuntingg, and I have a bunch of aesthetic collections compiled specifically for story inspiration.
  • Wattpad or published books. Books in general are great. You can take bits and pieces from other works or get inspired from a work that you want to make something similar to.
  • Video Games. Lately, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has really been helping me get in the mood to write or to make ideas for characters. If you can't get a hold of the game, you can even look up the cutscenes on youtube.
  • Video edits. Edits for my favourite characters, ships or tv shows on Youtube can inspire a whole other idea for me, so I really recommend that too.

That's all I can think of for now but I'll add to this if I think of more!


About writing descriptively: keep it vivid without being too lengthy. A simple paragraph is fine about the breathtaking setting your characters just entered, but readers will skip it if it's an entire page. For objects, try to space out details. Like, let's say that a character has brown leather boots. Cool. Say that they have brown leather boots when they're first mentioned. But in the next chapter, you can mention that they're scuffed. Maybe, after a fight scene, you can mention that there's a hole in the left sole. Just don't compare your character's eyes to any type of gemstone (e.g. "amethyst orbs," "two specks of glowing emerald," etc.)