forum Secret Society name?
Started by @MrBudD3r

people_alt 40 followers


What about something to do with quartet, since there are four.
But more info is needed. Is this modern times or fantasy? Did these people name themselves or was their name given to them?


I don't want to be too cliche but they stop villains and threats to the magic world. (sorry I still haven't fully thought this out.)


What about something to do with quartet, since there are four.
But more info is needed. Is this modern times or fantasy? Did these people name themselves or was their name given to them?

They named themselves and I was thinking about a quartet based name. Also, it's set on Earth but really far in the future.


i typically look up words of characteristics of the group. i created a gang for another site called 'the mavericks', which basically means nonconformists.

you could do something like

  • 'the cardinal four', aka 'the cardinals' (in relation to north, east, south, west)
  • hocuspocus (pretty self-explanatory)
  • sortileges (spells, having to do with sorcery essentially)
  • the overseers (again, pretty self-explanatory)

idk, i lack originality, but just play around with different words and synonyms, i guess.


(whenever someone mentions a portmanteau i think of tomska's 'rejects', featuring dan howell. "i called him span" "why?" "it's a portmanteau of spanish andβ€”" "no, i know that, but why was he spanish?")


Try "Four Magicians" in another language.

I tried "Four Magicians" in Latin and it gave me "feceruntque similiter malefici incantationibus quattuor"