forum Random Worldbuilding thoughts
Started by @Cassiopeia

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HELLO everyone! I'm very excited so I apologize for my excessive use of all caps for literally no reason other than I've had more sugar in the last three days than I should have in like three lifetimes so… Sorry! :)
So you've probably seen me all around the forum. I'm in a lot of places, and I will admit that I mostly come asking your guys' advice on projects that I've picked up, dropped and picked up again because I can't seem to COMMit to one idea… Though judging by most of the art/creative writing memes on Instagram I've seen, I'm not the only one? :'D

The series that I've been daydreaming about for going on two years now (master procrastinator, yes I know) I've always imagined to be connected, happening in the same universe at different times and places… But I realized lately that other than sharing names with places, they aren't connected at all. You know? There aren't any common themes, common problems… There's nothing to unite the plot of the series as a whole because the stories are so wildly different from each other. Naturally, I began wondering about what could unite these stories. I concluded that since this world, heck even this universe is so expansive (at least, in my mind) it would require something huge to accomplish this task. Thus the thirteen deities I had already made that previously served no purpose other than existing so people can have a religion came in.

So here's the thing. The world I've created is one that was born out of tragedy, though none but the deities know that. The simple explanation is that there was a whole universe before the one that exists in the books I plan to write. But the first people to ever exist messed up real bad, so the consequence is an ever-looming apocalypse. (On a universal scale.) However, he deities deemed thirteen people holy and those people became gods themselves, to oversee the creation and maintaining of the world to come. Which eventually falls into the same pattern as the last.
NOW MOST OF THAT WOULD nOT shOW UP iN the reST oF thE bOOKs… But here is my preposterous idea. A thirteen novel series of stories that apart from sharing places and ideas, seem unrelated… But the final story would connect the dots between the rest??
Is that too big???? ThAt'S jUST thE bEGinnING oF thE ConCEpt foR thE sErIES aS a WHole?? Ngl, it scares me a LOT.
I took inspiration from a series that I love called the Evillious Chronicles. In case you haven't heard of it, here's a summary.

The history takes place in seven countries (one being an empire) that conforms to the fictional region denominated Evillious and talks about the events after Eve's actions that tainted the world with the crime, unleashing the Seven Deadly Sins. Most of this series is centered in the Seven Deadly Sins, the consequences and events triggered by them, and the different groups and people who are searching for them.

I don't know. I want to create something complex and thought-out, a world that feels like alive you know?? I'd very much like your thoughts on the concept so far. At this point, I need to physically make myself stop talking about it, so thank you for reading through all my random thoughts thus far.


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I have SO MANY stories all happening in the same universe, mainly because some times I get tired of my main cast and venture of to a side character and then "Oh no, he has a long and complicated backstory and a huge crush, looks like the thing you could write a book about." Mwahahahahahahahah.>:D