forum Music?
Started by @Yamatsu

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I just had the strangest thought. What kind of music is popular in your world? Is it traditional music based on the real world, or is it something that no one's ever heard? Jazz? Metal? Something modal? Music theory nerds, UNITE!

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

I was actually writing a short story about this today! It's set in my version of future America which is basically dystopian post-civil war plus magical creatures, and this small village just got visited by a band of traveling musicians who do their best to recreate dubstep/electronic music using whatever materials they can find. They use scrap metal and drums and beat-boxing etc. to imitate the synthetic noises you hear in electronic music. They're really popular with the old people lol, because they're the ones that lived before the war and grew up on that music so they really miss it. So imagine a bunch of desert-clad elders dancing like maniacs to badly-played Skrillex songs. It's a really fun concept to write about XD

@PaperHats business

(I’m so late but this concept looks so fun and I saw “music” and couldn’t help myself aaaa)
In my world, (sci-fi/fantasy/post-apocalyptic) I basically have every classic rock song ever. Ranging from literally Def Leppard to Eagles, Fleetwood Mac to Don McLean, just havin’ it all. It’s sort of like a Fallout dystopia, where tech is so far futuristic but somehow the main character still has a Walkman or a boom box. In this case, my character has both.
With writing it’s a little hard to portray music, so when these prompts are up they spark so much creativity. Awesome :D

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

My world is in a fantasy medieval setting, and it's relatively new. There's no machines or instruments that would make music like today. It's all strings. The most popular type of music is probably based on Celtic kind of music. There are your classic violins and stringed instruments, but many other instruments have been invented. I haven't given much thought about it though.