forum idkwhatimdoing
Started by @nat

people_alt 40 followers


@Leo-Valdez-needs-to-run-the-Amercan-branch-of-Weasley's-Wizarding-Wheezes-and-you-can't-change-my-mind you have made my day thank you


Most of it makes a lot of sense, though I can try and help with some of those empty categories you've got!


In terms of your technology, you're clearly going for an American Revolution-era level of technology. You've got carts, stone houses, rudimentary firearms, and plenty of swords.

Boats and such would range from very large schooners and those massive British ships you see in the Pirates of the Carribean, but you also have a little leeway in how you design ships for certain nations. In Korea, there was this guy named Admiral Yi who was (and probably still is) this greatest Admiral in all of history. His boats were turtle ships, wooden boats with iron shells on the top to protect them from cannon fire. They were fast, powerful, and the dragon-shaped prow had the ability to be used as a flamethrower! He kicked a lot of British ass with his ships, and given the fact that the cave is in the middle of the ocean (or the edge of the world), a lot of your ships would have to be designed for long travels if they sought to enter the cave. In fact, a lot of the ships would need to be designed for extensive voyages if people were INVADING from the cave.

If you want electricity and whatnot, I'd go with post-WWI but pre-Depression technology (either the Gilded Age or the Roarin' Twenties) where there were appliances, electric lights, copious amounts of alcohol, and more modern firearms. Nothing like an M16, mind you, but the cavalry charge died long before the 20th century. Swords might still be in use, but the wielder would need either magic or a stupid amount of bravery to try and cut someone with a gun.