Started by Katie

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The plot and everything is worked out, and I love the character but I’ve been staring at this blank document for over an hour. I’ve rewritten the first paragraph over 12 times. I don’t know how to start it and it’s killing me.

It’s a coming of age story (I guess). It takes place in a small town in Canada, and it’s fall. Its week from thanksgiving to be more exact and I need my main character to go near the lake, despite his parents telling him not to, and find a dead body.

Any suggestions?


Write in Comic Sans. I know you're gonna hate me for this, but write in the world's most detestable font. It actually makes it way easier to read, find typos, whatever, and it has this strange placebo effect where you end up writing a lot for whatever reason. Also, if you have most of your plot figured out, then write those moments first.

There's a guy in the video game music industry named Nobuo Uematsu. His "magnum opus" according to everyone who's played Final Fantasy VII is called One-Winged Angel. He didn't start from the beginning, though. Ideas came to him while he was working on other things, and so he decided to simply piece them together and connect them to create a damn good song.

In other words, why can't you take the same approach if you've already got a lot of points you want to hit? Write what you know and connect them to what you don't have ironed out yet.