forum How to make an inoffensive Satan character that's not evil?

people_alt 37 followers


I don't think that would be offensive since it has no official ties to any particular religion. Especially since it's your own world and you can do what you want with it. If it had direct ties to any religion that would be a different story but it sounds like our trying to make a completely different universe.
Hope this helped! Happy writing!

@Riorlyne pets

In my experience most folks who are that sensitive to the portrayal of made-up deities don’t read fantasy, and they’re not your target readers anyway, so I’d say don’t worry. Just make sure what you’re writing is not a direct attack on any Earth religion (it sounds like yours isn’t) and you’ll be fine. :)


oh poor sensitive butterflies.
write what you want!
I wouldn't worry about other people's sensibilities when writing, and even if you had ties to any type of mythology… I mean, it's fantasy. And, idk, I never care if people will get offended or not with my writing. But that is just me


Have you ever read Paradise Lost?
It's the story of how Lucifer fell and then waged war on the Kingdom of Heaven.

Satan is the protagonist, or a tragic hero, however you want to describe it.

Everything is perspective. What is your character's motivation? What's their goal? How do they justify it?
Those are the questions you need to answer to make any "evil-doer" a protagonist.

@GoodThingGoing group

In my official novel, one of the gods rules over what is basically Hell, which is pretty Satan-like, but instead of being pure evil, she punishes evildoers and is friendly with the other gods. I'm worried that this might be offensive to religious readers.

So more of a Hades than a Satan?