forum how to make a original calendar system
Started by @Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

people_alt 40 followers

@Purple-Cat location_cityThe Worldbuilder

Not too sure. maybe something with names like our own calendar system but I don't know how to come up with what the names should be or the story behind each one or how many there should be. or maybe something completely new and different?. I just don't know.

Deleted user

Well if you're just making up new names for everything then that's something you can incorporate with the history of the realm.
If you're figuring out new units of time, then you'll need a chart to relate their time to ours.
other than that I got nothing.


Is the story set in our universe or a fictional one? if it's fictional then you could change the number of days in the year to match your calendar. you could name months after other planets in the universe too.