forum Hey guys read this and then read it again and then tell me what I did wrong and then I'll [probably] fix it
Started by @Leo-Valdez-Is-The-God-Of-Chaos

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hey guys, I wrote a short story, but I wrote it in like an hour so it seems too easy. did I do something wrong?
Daniel sat motionless on his bed, staring at his many posters. Who are you? Why are you in my head? Where did you come from? When will you go? Questions rang in his head, one after the other, nonstop.
“Can you please stop that?” He said. “I mean now.” He took in a long, slow breath. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU? GET OUT OF HERE! STOP NARRATING WHAT I’M DOING!” Dan picked a book off his bed and lobbed it across the room. “And don’t call me Dan!”
Wait a minute, are you talking to ME?
Dan nodded his head. “I said don’t call me Dan. And yes, I’m talking to you. Who are you?” He searched the ceiling. “Are you God?”
ME? GOD? No. I’m the narrator. My name is Richard.
“A narrator? Am I in a movie?”
A book, actually. I hope it’s a good one.
“Wait, I’m in a book? Since when can that happen?”
That’s how books are written! What did you think?
“Well, I kinda assumed that someone, y’know, wrote them.”
WROTE THEM? No, my friend, this is how we make stories: A handful of people in character development develop characters, the groups in worldbuilding build worlds, a lucky few story makers add in action and adventure, and then there’s me: the narrator. I talk about what’s going on, and tell what YOU, the protagonist, are thinking. After it goes through me, the story has a few editors, and voila! It’s printed and published!
Dan nod—Daniel—nodded his head. “Okay, but how can you sit by and tell these stories? How could you let Fred Weasley die?”
That isn’t what I do. I simply tell it as it happens. In fact, I’m not supposed to talk to you. I could lose my job.
“You’re going to leave, aren’t you?” Daniel sat back down—wait when did you stand up? — on his bed defeatedly.
Can we just pretend that this conversation didn’t happen?
“Can you give me a heads-up whenever there’s danger?”
Alright, fine. You win. Happy?
“Yes, but three more things: Is there any way I can escape being a protagonist?
Not that I know of. What are the other two?
“Darn it. What genre story am I in?”
Sci-fi, I think.
“Okay, not bad. Last one: Can you pull some strings to ensure that I’ll have a happy ending? And my parents won’t die?”
I’ll try. Now go brush your teeth, you’ve been sitting in your room talking to yourself since you finished dessert, and you’re going to need a healthy set in your mouth for what’s to come.
Daniel stood up. “Well, I’ll talk to you later.”
After you defeat whatever they have in store for you.
“Yup, after that.” Daniel sighed and walked out of his room.

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it's kind of awkward. Not exactly how I would respond if I caught a narrator watching me, just saying. I'd probably be 100000000000% more pissed off, especially if their omniscient and knows what I'm thinking. Also, the dialog feels really stiff and strange. I'd suggest adding actions/tone of voice to make it richer.


One thing that bothered me personally was the use of capital letters. Honestly, the point should be able to be made without them. Also, I’ll agree that the conversation is a bit awkward. I would recommend putting more detail.


I'm not going to lie; I was quite amused by this story, because I didn't expect this. My only recommendations would be to change some of the dialogue, because I feel like Daniel should be a little bit more freaked out by the voice in his head, and to maybe make the words when he's yelling italicized instead of in all caps. All-in-all, I actually really loved this little story! Good job! ^u^