forum Dungeons and Dragons (5e) Underwater worldbuilding
Started by @Cosmic Vortex42 Beta Tester

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@Cosmic Vortex42 Beta Tester

So I'm making a underwater city/universe for my DnD game, anyone have any tips and ideas for things to put in it? important buildings or landmarks? one thing i have interest in is alcohol. so far I've decided they basically ferment grapes and eat the grapes and thats how they get intoxicated.


I don't know a lot abou DnD but I am writing on a underwater world.
For me, all of the weapons and armor are made from bone and chitin, so it doesn't drag you down when you swimm. And the weapons pojectiles are made from glass so their almost invisible underwater.
As for alcohol, I haven't spend much thought on that. I had a drinking scene but I only focused on the bottles and not on what exactly was in them…


The grape idea is actually a very interesting idea! One step beyond that is the concept of them using something akin to edible water bottles which are generally about a mouthful of liquid. so the alcohol could be served at large tables using bowls in that manner. And I've also read articles about vineyards that leave their product to ferment in containers underwater and end up with a bit of sea life on the surface of the containers. That could be a fun concept of exporting their product.


As for D&D, it would be common to introduce the merfolk and sea elves, maybe a conflict between them to spice things up for your party?


One of my D&D campaigns takes place in an underwater town and one thing that I love to draw attention to in describing outdoor scenes is the aquatic life that swims through the streets. My town is surrounded by a semipermeable magic shield and it allows fish, crustaceans, and humans to come and go from its' confines but keeps out the water. So, fish swimming above the buildings in swirling schools, jellyfish and bioluminescent plankton floating through the night air, crabs and octopuses searching the grounds. It's a fun little tidbit to add for a beautiful fantasy effect.


Well, as the nerd I am, I would put Atlantis somewhere into that fray.
It could be a monument to the lost city. A refugee center for Atlanteans. An mainly Atlantean neighborhood. Or maybe Atlantis is the Mecca of the underwater people.