forum Theatre Kids
Started by @someone_who_occasionally_writes_

people_alt 92 followers


Y'know, I do high school theatre, and I was a stage manager and a principal for the show, I adore performing and such, singing, dancing and acting, and I realized, there is nowhere to talk about shows, and I thought, "What an injustice to society."

So here you are, a chat for all the theatre buffs, whether you perform, stage-manage, direct, or just love musicals or broadway.

(That and my school always posts our shows on Youtube so I may or may not plop down the links for the shows I've been in lmao)

Have fun, and hopefully, we can have many wonderful discussions about the world of musical theatre.

@spacebluelily language

I've been called!
Hi, I'm currently in theatre and have been in a production. A musical to be exact. Was supposed to be a background character, but the one in charge promoted me to a singing snake.
I was supposed to be in other shows but never got to because my dimwitted classmates kept doing the same mistakes (goofing off. that's it. that's all they did). I still have the script for the last play I was supposed to be in.


OoOOOO I'm the lighting and sound guy for all of our school's productions. I also oversee all the props and background making and stuff

Mad respect, I walked up into the booth at my school and took a glance at the light and sound board and nearly had a stroke.


I've been called!
Hi, I'm currently in theatre and have been in a production. A musical to be exact. Was supposed to be a background character, but the one in charge promoted me to a singing snake.
I was supposed to be in other shows but never got to because my dimwitted classmates kept doing the same mistakes (goofing off. that's it. that's all they did). I still have the script for the last play I was supposed to be in.

Oooo, what was the name of the show?

@spacebluelily language

I've been called!
Hi, I'm currently in theatre and have been in a production. A musical to be exact. Was supposed to be a background character, but the one in charge promoted me to a singing snake.
I was supposed to be in other shows but never got to because my dimwitted classmates kept doing the same mistakes (goofing off. that's it. that's all they did). I still have the script for the last play I was supposed to be in.

Oooo, what was the name of the show?

I suppose you're talking about the musical I was in? If so, it was Disney's The Jungle Book. It was literally called that. Either way, it was fun memorizing all the songs and the steps to said songs. And the costumes where wonderful. I also remember the names of the other shows I was supposed to be in, so if you want the names of those too, I'd be happy to tell you!


I've been called!
Hi, I'm currently in theatre and have been in a production. A musical to be exact. Was supposed to be a background character, but the one in charge promoted me to a singing snake.
I was supposed to be in other shows but never got to because my dimwitted classmates kept doing the same mistakes (goofing off. that's it. that's all they did). I still have the script for the last play I was supposed to be in.

Oooo, what was the name of the show?

I suppose you're talking about the musical I was in? If so, it was Disney's The Jungle Book. It was literally called that. Either way, it was fun memorizing all the songs and the steps to said songs. And the costumes where wonderful. I also remember the names of the other shows I was supposed to be in, so if you want the names of those too, I'd be happy to tell you!

you can if you want!


Hello!! I've done theatre for the past 3 years. I did both musicals and plays. My school has a rlly good theatre department so i hope i can join after corona

@spacebluelily language

  • The Actor Games (hunger games parody, obviously)
  • Superhero Sanitarium
  • La Llorona (a play about Mexico's most famous myth) (this is personally my favorite because I was able to speak Spanish in rehearsals)
  • The Killing Games


Hello!! I've done theatre for the past 3 years. I did both musicals and plays. My school has a rlly good theatre department so i hope i can join after corona

Yeah, corona screwed our show last year, but we were able to do one this year

We were going to do The Drowsy Chaperone but it got canceled ;-;


Hello!! I've done theatre for the past 3 years. I did both musicals and plays. My school has a rlly good theatre department so i hope i can join after corona

Yeah, corona screwed our show last year, but we were able to do one this year

We were going to do The Drowsy Chaperone but it got canceled ;-;

yeah we were doing legally blonde at my old school but it also got cancelled
my school's been doing radio shows though idk much about it bc im new but it seems cool


Hello theater kids. I am a theater kid but I have only been in one play because covid stopped school plays for 2 years this year's school play is beauty and the beast I ma audition for it in January. The other play I was in was The Lion king so I don't have much experience in theater but I still love broadway shows. I also have been taking dance since I was in 1st grade and have been doing chorus for a while (that was super long dam)

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Slams head through wall dramatically, the muffled sounds of All Star playing behind me I heard y'all were talkin' shit?

Never heard of it but then again I haven't heard if much ;-;

Also hi!

Deleted user

Well, I was in the first play of our school year- pretty sure that made it obvious XD

Plus, I'mma be in a musical?