forum The Almosts
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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Hi. "The Almosts," huh? Accurate. Almost killed ourselves. Almost failed our duty to everyone to be happy and cheerful, even when we don't want to be. Almost gave up all hope.

Deleted user

Almost pushed ourselves to the brink of utterly alone.
Almost gave in.
Almost forgot how to be human.
Almost committed murder against the defense lawyer in a courtroom this morning. Oh sorry is that just me?

@DancingWithMyDemons business

PEOPLE! I cAn noT SLEEp, AND it's 2:30 In tHE MorniNg, And I HAvE WoRK toMORROw(TODay), bUt I haVE a BooK AnD THAT's Not hElPINg my CASe AnY, aND YoOU guYS ProbABly WoN'T SeE THIs UNtil TOmorROw(TodAY), BuT I WoULd LiKe Y'ALl to knOw tHat MY menTal HeaTh iS in tHE DraIn, ANd I haVe nEW ScaRs, nor HAve i EatEn anYTHIng SiNCe tWo DaYs agO, AnD I'M tiREd of tYPiNg liKe ThIS, I kissed my best friend's ex, and I cried about a cloud because it had a hole in it, and I promise that i am not drunk, nor am i high, If i was my spelling would be out of whack, and there would be no commas or shit, and i want to cut all my hair off but also not, and i accidentally referred to my crush as my crush in front of my mother, who does not know I'm queer, and does not approve of queer people, and i just tried to spell of with a v instead of an f, and my ankle still hurts to move even tho i hurt it like two freekin weeks ago, but my dad said it's fine so that's all the medical treatment i get, and i added two more people to my list of people who think off me as a therapist, even tho i can't handle your problems any better than you could, infact, you could probably do better than me anyways but I'll do my best, I'll have that emotional breakdown for you, And my prenatals and siblings have church in the morning, but i accidentally got put on the work schedule for today so i wouldn't have to go and see people that not only have i dated/made out with, but are also keeping my semi large secret of being queer from my family, who i love very much, but leave me alone, let me move out, let me be me, and you are probably tired of reading this by now, so I'll stop, go take more drugs, and try to sleep again. good night.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

I just looked up insomnia with a bunch of other words that i can't remember, and clicked this article, and this thing had everything. it had four different types, the symptoms of each type, not being able to stay awake, and a bunch of other shit, and in everything, and i mean everything. at least one bullet point was stress.

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Okay. hugs you. I love ya, sis. I'm sorry. Trust me, i know it can suck sometimes.

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That’s not what Thomas means. They intend to give up. They intend to die