forum Random Thoughts (shower thoughts, lying in bed thoughts, etc)
Started by @-LemonTail- language

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What if we are all in a coma and life is just a shared dream?

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What if we can live forever, but oxygen is slowly killing us?

BROOOOO Thats so dark

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What if we can live forever, but oxygen is slowly killing us?

BROOOOO Thats so dark



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if you have trypophobia you don't like peoples faces (pores)

@VinegarSoup group

it's neither the chicken nor the egg that came first, it is simply evelution that built up to have them be what they are now, there was never a definitive time where they were suddenly just a chicken, so it's not the egg nor the chicken that came first

@lord-of-the-carnival group

its a genuine question tho- is philosophy aware of its own existance or does it just philosophy that its existance is real so it doesn't have to philosophy about itself?

@VinegarSoup group

its a genuine question tho- is philosophy aware of its own existance or does it just philosophy that its existance is real so it doesn't have to philosophy about itself?

i believe that philosophy knows it's own existence and constantly contemplates itself with the rest of the things it over-thinks

@lord-of-the-carnival group

its a genuine question tho- is philosophy aware of its own existance or does it just philosophy that its existance is real so it doesn't have to philosophy about itself?

i believe that philosophy knows it's own existence and constantly contemplates itself with the rest of the things it over-thinks

if philosophy can philosophy about itself then can it definiteively define itself as a single thing or idea?

@VinegarSoup group

We live our lives reaching for nothing and everything at once, we spend our lives wasting it yet chasing moments. Our time is both valuable and worthless. What will my presence do to the world, what will anyone's presence? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. The world will continue, and eventually everything will…stop. one day the clock will stop clicking, for everything, for nothing we do matters, but it's the same reason why it does matter. It matters because we have such a small amount of time given to us to live, to relish in life. Our lives may not matter, but every tiny moment filled with emotions are worth it. The love we feel when a loved one touches us, the rush we get from jumping off the high dive or jumping on a tramp too high, or the proud feeling when we can look back and say "I did it, I did this. I made it"..right there. That's what makes life meaningful, is being able to look back at everything, every single memory like a scrap book your mind has created, you get to look back and say, "I did it. I did this. I made it" some people waste their lives, some people risk thrill seeking, but it doesn't matter in the end. Nothing does. Yet everything matters. That's the beauty, we will never truly ever know because the entirety of "life" as a whole is its own paradox, nothing makes sense but yet we try to make sense of it, like I am. I will never understand, I will never be close to figuring out what the point is, truth is…no one ever will. The world, life, will always be a mystery not even the most intelligent of minds can solve.

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What of oxygen is a poison and its slowly killing us, but if we stopped breathing it it would kill us?

@VinegarSoup group

What of oxygen is a poison and its slowly killing us, but if we stopped breathing it it would kill us?

scientists have found no evidence to support it being detrimental to humans, or anything living (besides aquatic animals of course), oxygen is what keeps us alive, it doesn't slowly kill us, otherwise we would see decay in lungs and other vital organs due to the oxygen "poisoning" us

Deleted user

What of oxygen is a poison and its slowly killing us, but if we stopped breathing it it would kill us?

scientists have found no evidence to support it being detrimental to humans, or anything living (besides aquatic animals of course), oxygen is what keeps us alive, it doesn't slowly kill us, otherwise we would see decay in lungs and other vital organs due to the oxygen "poisoning" us

how do you know?