forum ONLY A SITH DEAL IN ABSOLUTES // Star Wars Discussion
Started by @acis

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Hello There!
Yes, this is a discussion for all us nerds to chat about anything and everything Star Wars! This includes Fanon and Canon.

Also feel free to share your art and ocs!

Can I make discussion rules? Take these as strong suggestions.

  • This is a LGBTQ+ friendly place, both for fans and headcanons.
  • Discussing and sharing ships are fine as long as they are not between a minor and an adult, and no, aging up/aging down a character does not justify it.
  • Don't be rude to people if they like a certain trilogy, show, comic, book, etc related to Star Wars, vice versa.
  • Knowing a lot more about a universe does not make you better than anyone else. If someone likes the universe, they are a fan, no matter how much they know or understand it.
  • As for art and ocs, if someone doesn't ask for criticism, do not give them any.
  • This is SFW, want to discuss something NSFW? Y'all have dms. This may already be a rule actually


Acis Hot Takes:
Kryze? More like Cries
Firmus Piett deserves his own comic, or TV Show, nudge nudge push push
ManDadlorian - that ending nearly made me cry oh god
Maul - amazing
Boba Fett - god i love this man


Also I've recently learned some guy translated the originals into a Shakespearean play??? and now i want it

@FanfictionFanatic group

So…I found part of this on Pinterest originally but always had a hard time finding the full story until now and I just want to share it… I obviously don't own this headcanon AU, but I love it! And it gets even better at the end.


That's the creche master au isn't it? Or something similar? But yeah, it's super cool. And the thread just gets better lmao

Deleted user

there's a theory that states that Obi wan and Jar Jar Binks are siths.
… I'm probably HEAVILY paraphrasing, but Obi Wan says "Only a Sith deals in absolutes." (hehe title of chat.)
But that phrase itself is an absolute.

Here's the details that back the Darth Jar Jar theory.


@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have one question tho. And it could be complete nonsense, but who decided that Palpatine was gonna be their baby daddy? And I have one person, but it's gonna be contested. I say Qu'ira. Like she was already working with Maul, and he obviously still knew Palpatine was still alive, so maybe Maul needed money or a ship or something and he rented Qu'ira out to Palpatine, and all of a sudden she gets pregnant with Palpatine's child, which then becomes Rey's father. I mean this was like a 1am thought but it made me think so, any ideas???

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Umm… have you seen Rise of Skywalker yet? Because if not I don’t want to spoil it for you… but it answers that question.

I own the movie. I know Rey's the grandaughter of Palpatine, and her father was the son of Palptine, but who had a child with Palpatine himself. It never stated who he had a child with. (Oof I just realized I said mother instead of father 😂 lemme fix that) and I know it says he's a failed clone, but several different novelization say Palpatine, (not Palpatine's father) had concubine. So he may be, or he may not be. There's just a bunch of gray space. And the fact that there's the recent news that the sequels may get removed from canon. But idk.