forum Ok I'm bored and I want to see who the hell else could possibly be up rn ;-;
Started by @andrew flash_on

people_alt 63 followers

@andrew flash_on

Nah man, my silly little hyperfixation used to be on the Revolutionary War and Historical Medicine

i never held much interest in that sort of stuff except for short little research sprees for short stories

@larcenistarsonist group

akhdjsks I considered being an art student, but there's no glory in art for me–especially when I've been considered The Smart Kid my whole life aifhsjks gotta do something to ensure my uncanny ability to remember historical facts doesn't go to waste. I am still in art though and i love it <3 not enough to do it for a living though ajdjsj

@larcenistarsonist group

alfhjsksk I guess I'm just too powerful to burn out <- approaching junior year finals with 5 advanced classes and will likely have a mental breakdown in the near future

@andrew flash_on

XD I went in for a counceling major with a psychology side plus something else - sociology I think? idk all I know is I was swamped XD