forum Murphy's Revelations About Everyday Life (AKA Random Trivia Thread)
Started by @murphysgirl

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Guinea pigs are not from Guinea, nor are they pigs.

Also, in my opinion, the Porsche Macan is the cutest car that has ever existed.


Well, me and my brother were talking one day, and suddenly, he just says, "Wouldn't it be cool if everyone was just named Doug? Like, yo Doug, wassup Doug?"
Me: But how would you tell them apart…?
Him: They'd all have, like, an adjective. Like, I'm Jugular Doug.
Me: …
Me: I'm Empress Doug
Him: Sick dude
So everyone has Doug names now it's kind of an inside joke between me and him and then me and another friend of mine, who is Tall Doug because he's 6'5"
And no, I don't know why he wants to be Jugular Doug either

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Well, me and my brother were talking one day, and suddenly, he just says, "Wouldn't it be cool if everyone was just named Doug? Like, yo Doug, wassup Doug?"
Me: But how would you tell them apart…?
Him: They'd all have, like, an adjective. Like, I'm Jugular Doug.
Me: …
Me: I'm Empress Doug
Him: Sick dude
So everyone has Doug names now it's kind of an inside joke between me and him and then me and another friend of mine, who is Tall Doug because he's 6'5"
And no, I don't know why he wants to be Jugular Doug either

JUGULAR DOUG- that's so funny to me for some reason. now i just have the urge to call everyone doug and offer them no explanation.


I have the flu, so here are a few flu facts.

The name "flu" is short for "influenza", Spanish for "influence" - they believed the sickness was caused by the evil influence of the stars.

The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed more people than WWI.

The flu vaccine was first tested on rabbits.


The drummer for Def Leppard only has one arm.

The way Def Leppard did their harmonies is this: there were three or so of them who would sing, and they would all stand really close to the microphone and sing, then take a step back and record it again, and take another step back and record it again, and so on and so forth, and then layer all the recordings on top of each other so what you get is a really really dense harmony and it's soooo coooool.