forum mojack’s thoughts
Started by @Mojack group

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Imagine if a character said "I wanna be a cowboy, baby" then died and was resuscitated(am I using the right word? zapped back to life). Their last words were almost "I wanna be a cowboy, baby" CAN YOU IMAGINE–


I had a cursed thought and now you have to deal with it too–

So you know Fullmetal Alchemist? Sometime in the future, like 200 years maybe? Someone decides to write a musical about Roy Mustang's rise to the top. Hamilton style. It's a huge hit, of course, and the fans go rampant.

Somewhere, someone Miku-Binders Roy Mustang, a la Thomas Jefferson. This is the cursed thought.

@Mojack group

I don’t think I could ever livestream and here’s why

What if I accidentally leaked my drawing files and they’d just see untitled1, untitled2, untitled3…. untitled100, etc because I forget to name them
That would be horrible
and also three of the same drawings with slight filter differences

@Mojack group

you could’ve avoided getting assassinated if you just didn’t investigate…but no…i had to assassinate 5 people in a row…